Date of a Lifetime: The Musical

Event Details

Date of a Lifetime: The Musical

Time: October 15, 2011 from 4:30pm to 8pm
Location: McGinn/Cazale Theatre
Street: 2162 Broadway at 76th Street, 4th Floor
City/Town: NYC, NY
Event Type: hudson county, arts
Organized By: Brian and Mike
Latest Activity: Oct 15, 2011

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Event Description

1 Date. 8 Minutes. 2 Lifetimes.  During their limited time together on a speed date, Marvin hypothesizes what his entire life with Katie might be like – from present day through death. Then it’s her turn.  Will this awkward first encounter be another “looking for love” horror story replete with requisite nametags and whistles - or might it turn out to be the date of a lifetime?

The creators of the show, Carl Kissin and Robert Baumgartner, will join you at the Fatty Crab afterwards to talk about the show!

Date of a Lifetime” is a production with the New York Musical Theatre Festival!

4:30 pm show at the McGinn/Cazale Theatre (Upper West Side in Manhattan)
6:00 pm dinner and drinks at Fatty Crab next door. 

$18/ticket (a 25% discount) plus cost of dinner (there will be specials).
For discounted tickets e-mail and they will send you a PayPal invoice.

Dress Code:
None but we'll be out on a Saturday night in NYC so no sneakers, gym clothes, etc.

How to Find the Group:
NJYPers and their guests will all be seated together so meet at the theatre seats.

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Comment by junette on October 14, 2011 at 12:04pm
Do you still get the discount if you pay at the door?
Comment by Brian and Mike on October 13, 2011 at 6:39pm
Per my contact, "The deadline would have to be Friday night if they're paying through PayPal - if they want to pay in cash at the door, they can come the day of."
Comment by Julie on October 13, 2011 at 11:13am
I was wondering the same thing... is it still possible to get discounted tickets?
Comment by Martin on October 12, 2011 at 9:29am
Laura, what's the latest date/time we can order tickets? I want to go, but might/might not be out of town for work...
Comment by Yvonne Zarnitz on October 10, 2011 at 4:32pm
Boo. Sorry guys, would have loved to go. I want to see more theater!!!  I'm heading to my sisters place out of state. Bummer man!
Comment by Brian and Mike on September 12, 2011 at 2:40pm
Thank Julie - It is the 15th; I"ll have them fix it asap.
Comment by Julie on September 12, 2011 at 2:33pm

Hi Laura --- Just wanted to double-check on the date for this event.  The ad on the NJYP website says the discount day is the 16th.  Is it the 15th or 16th?



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