Time: December 8, 2011 from 7pm to 9pm
Location: Sona 13 (downstairs)
Street: 13 South Street
City/Town: Morristown, NJ
Website or Map: http://www.sonathirteennj.com/
Event Type: morris county, singles
Organized By: Brian and Mike
Latest Activity: Nov 17, 2013
Oh yes, it’s ladies’ night! Women, come out to our Cherry Picked Single Mingle, a brand-new concept from NJYP. We’ve rounded up some of the most highly-requested Gents from previous speed-dating events and brought them together for a Single Mingle of epic proportions. (Think of it as an upgraded Sadie Hawkins dance). Expect to meet and greet around 30 men that have been "Cherry Picked" by your peers. Tickets are extremely limited so grab yours before someone else does!
Ratio and Age Range:
Around 45 Women who are 21 to 35
Around 30 Men who are 25 to 39
About the Cherry Picked Men:
Men will receive invitations to attend based on Speed Dating results from the past year. The men who will be invited will have received many YES responses from the women they met. We (NJYP) have no idea what these men look like, what they do for a living, or how they behave. All we know is that their peers liked them enough to go out with them on real dates. We may also ask the Cherry Picked Men to bring a friend but that is still TBD.
Member Cost:
$15 online only
Non-Member Cost:
$25 online only
There are a limited number of tickets available. If you buy a ticket your name will be at the door. All sales are final.
Dress Code:
Dark jeans and a trendy top and heels will work for women or throw on a cute dress.
We recommend collared shirts or blazers for men.
How to Find the Group:
Meet downstairs in the private party room. Enter from the BACK of the restaurant.
Remember men, no walk-ins permitted.
But you wouldn't be allowed in. We'll be making sure those who bought the tix were invited.
It says:
Cherry Picked Men (by invite only)
Ed - Where do you see that option? It is still invite only for men.
Dan - It's true, if you didn't go to any speed dating events you likely won't be invited. The good news is I'll continue to pull speed dating data and analyze it and potentially add men and women to the list.
I'm not sure how this event is similar to men voting on a women's hotness so please explain. Also, so you know, I surveyed both men and women before adding this event. The response was fabulous and so far the sign-ups for both men and women have been great! I have no doubt it will sell out.
I don't think there are any issues with the speed dating events. I truly believe you'll meet the person who is meant for you when the timing is right. It may be anywhere at any time. But I do think you probably need to be OUT of your house to meet the person (even if you connect online first) and I'm just providing a possible avenue for the connection to be made.
Jaimie- I think you misunderstood me. Each man invited had to get many yes's at just ONE event. We didn't combine the yes's across events as then someone can attend EVERY event, get 1 yes per event, but end up with a ton of yes's (if we look at the data a certain way).
Also, just because they were invited doesn't mean they are going to come. Regarding "how come they are still single" I guess I could ask the same for all the women who already bought tickets. But my guess is they have not yet met the right person... maybe this person will be at this event, and maybe not.
Interesting idea. Too bad I won't be home from my seminar in Boston in time to go.
I agree Jon. Cherry-picked, yes, but I doubt women want men who were cherry-picked because they were players. I'm sure the women want good, wholesome, decent, "the nice guy" men.
I'm a great catch, but have not had much luck with SD, so I'm not cherry-picked. I don't know, but to me it would have made more sense to actually attempt to solicit responses from the men and choose from that group based on their answers to questions posed.
So this is the big prize for wooing so many women at speed dating events... more speed dating :/
Personally, I'd prefer an engraved trophy or plaque:
"NJYP's MVP - Most Valuable Playa"
Brian and Mike has decided to hide the list of guests.
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