Sundress and Tie Party (Outdoors)

Event Details

Sundress and Tie Party (Outdoors)

Time: June 12, 2009 from 7pm to 9pm
Location: Pazzo Pazzo
Street: 74 Speedwell Ave
City/Town: Morristown, NJ
Website or Map:
Event Type: morris county, social
Organized By: Brian and Mike
Latest Activity: Jun 14, 2009

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Event Description

Spring has sprung and Summer is coming! Celebrate the warm air at our 2nd annual Sundress and Tie Party. The concept is simple: Women wear dresses and men wear ties and we all mix and mingle under the stars while sipping cocktails in the beautiful courtyard at Pazzo Pazzo. It will be a fabulously fun night that will bring out 75 to 100 young professionals.

RSVP (to the right) and we will let you know when tix are almost gone, when prices are going up, if there are any changes, etc.

Member Cost:
$5 for the first 25 to register
$10 for the next 26 to 60 to register
$15 for the next 61 to 125 to register
$20 for walk-ins

Non-Member Cost:
$20 online and at the door

Premium Member Cost:
FREE but you must register on Eventbrite.

Who can attend:
Young professionals, single or married, who are 21-39 years of age.

Awesome summery cocktails for $7 (normally $10.50) in our private area only. If you go to the main bars you will pay full price.

Mandatory Dress Code:
Women wear dresses (skirts count)
Men wear ties (you can wear them over t-shirts or with short sleeved collared shirts)
The dress code will be enforced and is all in good fun.

How to find the group:
We will meet in the lower courtyard area. Enter through the restaurant and look for the sign-in table. If it rains we will most likely have to move the party inside.

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Comment by Hasani Davis on June 12, 2009 at 1:33pm
damn 80 women and 30 men. you single men got your work cut out for you. Now i have to go shopping for something to wear....
Comment by Brian and Mike on June 12, 2009 at 9:18am
Your sunny thoughts are working,
Comment by JW Scherm on June 12, 2009 at 1:19am
With this many people sure hope we don't get stuck inside!
Comment by Craig Wall on June 11, 2009 at 7:06pm
I was hopeful I'd be able to go, but no dice. Fully plan on catching the one on the 28th though!
Comment by Joao-Pierre Ruth on May 20, 2009 at 10:38am
I'll try... but I may have to spend the evening cooking and cleaning

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