The Better Body Challenge - Initial Weigh-In

Event Details

The Better Body Challenge - Initial Weigh-In

Time: January 22, 2012 from 10am to 3pm
Location: Across New Jersey
Street: Exact locations are TBD, See the FAQ
Event Type: athletic, educational, morris county, middlesex county, essex county, somerset county, mercer county, hudson county, bergen county, passaic county, monmouth county, union county
Organized By: Brian and Mike
Latest Activity: Nov 12, 2012

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Event Description

Refresh your physique with NJYP’s ‘Biggest Loser’ style Better Body Challenge.  Lasting 12 weeks, with three weigh-ins in counties across New Jersey, this competition will help get you going and keep you motivated.   Did we mention there are big time prizes and a special, complimentary "End of the Better Body Challenge Bash" for all participants?  Sign-up and throw down the gauntlet for victory!  Need more info?  Check out the FAQs.  Make new friends, shed some extra pounds, and at the end of 12 weeks, embrace a healthier you.

Who Can Participate:
This challenge is open to ANYONE  21 to 39 years old, however only members will have access to the resources on

What are the Prizes:
There will be a prize packages for men and women challengers in each participating county.
The prize package value will be based on this formula:  "$25 x # of same gender participants within the county" so if 50 men sign up in Essex County the prize package will be valued at $1,250.
We will be putting the prize packages together while the competition is going on, but picture everything from restaurant gift cards, spa services, kettle ball classes, fancy new sneakers, etc.
Prize packages will be county based so you will not have to travel far to redeem your gift cards/certificates.

Register for The Better Body Challenge on Eventbrite

Become a Player:
A “Player” wants access to the support and to compete for prizes.  For $25, you get:
•    To compete for the prize packages;
•    Win random "door prizes", provided to those we see who are working extra hard;
•    Access to 3 Weigh-ins -  first and last are mandatory: 1/22/12, 3/4/12, and 4/15/12;
•    Invites to special events, from workouts to workshops to meet and greets;
•    Complimentary entry to our "End of the Better Body Challenge Bash";
•    Access to private Better Body Challenge NJYP message boards (receive tips and support, find workout partners, etc.)

Become a Sideliner:
Becoming a “Sideliner” is perfect for anyone who is looking for weight-loss support without the competition, but they cannot win prizes.  For only $10 - that’s less than two value meals at McDonald’s, and a lot better for you too - you get:
•    Invites to special events, from workouts to workshops to meet and greets;
•    Access to all 3 Weigh-ins, but they’re all optional: 1/22/12, 3/4/12, and 4/15/12;
•    Complimentary entry to our "End of the Better Body Challenge Bash";
•    Access to private Better Body Challenge NJYP message boards (receive tips and support, find workout partners, etc.)

There will be a weigh-in in each participating county.
You will sign-up to receive the prizes in only one county BUT you can attend a weigh-in in ANY county you wish.
Exact locations and times are TBD. This contest is open to the following counties: Morris, Middlesex, Essex, Somerset, Mercer, Hudson, Bergen, Passaic, Union, and Monmouth.

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Comment by Danielle on January 22, 2012 at 2:40pm
There are a few references to the link in this thread. The weigh in was 2:30 in Montclair hope you were able to make it!
Comment by Carmela on January 22, 2012 at 1:44pm

Hi Laura and Holly,
I signed up for Passaic county but because there isnt enough where should i go?  I still want to take part but not sure which one to go.  I was thinking Essex or Bergen (Bergen is closer to me).  I couldnt make the morning weigh-ins, so i was going to try the gym in Montclair.
I cant seem to find the website that had all the gym information on it.  If u can, can u send me the info for the gym at Montclair.

Comment by Joao-Pierre Ruth on January 21, 2012 at 3:31pm

I'm tempted to make some "good-bye brownies" before tomorrow's weigh-in...

Comment by Brian and Mike on January 21, 2012 at 3:15pm

Here's your last reminder regarding tomorrow's Weigh-ins.

They are required for Players and optional for Sideliners.

Go to ANY weigh-in you want but please use the night time weigh-in in Little Falls as a last resort since it's NOT at a gym. If you do plan to go to the Little Falls weigh-in please give Holly at heads by emailing her at

More information is here...

Comment by Holly on January 20, 2012 at 5:28pm
Hi Gael. It's up north - near Willowbrook Mall, if you're familiar with that?
Comment by Gael Burman on January 20, 2012 at 4:42pm

Where is Little Falls? I'm going to try to make the Paramus weight in but I run a nursery and need to make sure I'm covered. Thank you both for all your hard work in putting this together!


Comment by Brian and Mike on January 20, 2012 at 12:40pm

Men - If you registered you should have gotten an email from me about what to do next. If not reach me at

Women- If you registered and your county is not listed you should have gotten an email from me with choices. If not reach me at

Comment by Brian and Mike on January 20, 2012 at 12:08pm

All of the official weigh-in information has been posted, I'm going to address those whose counties are not listed next...

Comment by Holly on January 20, 2012 at 12:50am

Shakira - I hear you about the cold, it's def not easy.   Then again, that could possibly be an argument why you should join = a little extra motivation.  No pressure, promise.  : )

Peter - I'll be at each location for 30 minutes - to allow ample travel time between venues.  Therefore, you should be ok.  If for some reason you cannot make it, you'd have the option of attending the Montclair weigh-in at 2:30 (that would not impact/alter the initial county you selected).

Comment by Peter on January 19, 2012 at 11:48pm

Hi Holly! How long are you going to be in Morristown for? I might not be able to make it in there till closer to 11:45 on Sunday.

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