There have been so many posts from people wanting to make friends. If you want to maximize the number of people you meet in a single night check out the 4-Minute Friending Events.
Why sign up: 1. A guarantee you will meet a minimum of 10 Young Professionals, one-on-one. 2. Walk away with a spread sheet that lists everyone's name, email, hobbies. 3. Know that we rotate the events around. If you see an event that is close to you it WILL NOT be in that city again for 6-12 months.
I'd really like for there to be one in monmouth county. I want to attend one of these events, it sounds fantastic, but for me it defeats the purpose to make friends that live an hour away. Is anyone else interested in a four-minute friending in Monmouth county or is there one on the books for the future?
I agree Meghan, I think the events are a great idea and have been to an all women's event. It does defeat the purpose if none of your new friends are local though. I'd like an event in Monmouth County as well.