Hi!  Now that the weather has finally become a little more civilized, I've got tennis on the brain.  Anyone up for trying to find some open courts after work during the week or perhaps on a weekend morning or afternoon?  Princeton Community Park is great, and Mercer County Park is really nice, too.


Any thoughts?





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Hi Tina, I'm game. I'll reach out to you.
I also live in the area.. and would love to find players to play with. Please let me know if I can join also!
I'm game as well.
Hi Leo, sorry its taken me so long to get back to you, I have not checked this in a while. I have been in touch with Belinda, and it looks like one other person wrote, so maybe we can get a doubles game going... where do you work/live?


Leo said:
I also live in the area.. and would love to find players to play with. Please let me know if I can join also!
Hi Shahrooz-- It sounds like there are courts in Belinda's apt/condo complex. Where do you live/work and how is your schedule, in general?


Shahrooz Bhopti said:
I'm game as well.
I live right by West Windsor Park in between Rt 1 & 130 on 571.
Hi Tina,

no problem, I haven't check the forum myself for a few days, but I live in South Brunswick, and work in Cranbury. So I'll be up for a doubles game if you guys decide to play! I'll send you my contact separately so we can coordinate!


Tina Kozak said:
Hi Leo, sorry its taken me so long to get back to you, I have not checked this in a while. I have been in touch with Belinda, and it looks like one other person wrote, so maybe we can get a doubles game going... where do you work/live?


Leo said:
I also live in the area.. and would love to find players to play with. Please let me know if I can join also!

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