Anyone in social work? Looking to make a career change

Hi All,

I'm currently a web developer and am considering a career chance to social work. I'd like to become an oncology social worker but am keeping my options up.

Did anyone here go to Rutgers or know someone who went to Rutgers for their MSW?



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If you want to go for it, go for it.  Not sure why you'd be making the change; aren't you making good money?  Oncology SW is a very narrow area and there are other things to do with SW.  Best to check want ads and see the demand for that focus; maybe there's a focus elsewhere.  If it's your goal to be in a job to help those with cancer, there are other fields.  I can say that I'm making a change--and it's not easy--from teaching to Personal Training; and I just got my cert to teach P90X Live.  One of the other things you may need to consider are the finances involved in rebranding yourself.

Hi Brandon!

I'm new to NJYP but I'm actually a current Rutgers MSW student living in New Brunswick. If you enjoy helping people, I would absolutely recommend getting your MSW. It's an extremely versatile degree, and even though I was a little hesitant about going back to school, I absolutely fell in love with it. The passion and commitment that social workers bring to the helping fields is unparalleled, I think.

I don't know a lot about Oncology Social Work, but considering that senior citizens are the most at-risk for cancer, you may want to consider working with seniors in elder care. Not a lot of social workers are interested in working with the aging populations and, as such, the field is in need of people (which gives lots of opportunities for jobs!). Rutgers has a certificate program in health and aging that is part of their MSW program if you decided to go there, so you could do that as your specialty if you'd like.

I would be happy to answer any other questions you might have. Cheers!


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