I was offered to sell Arbonne in my area (PA) but find myself skeptical of multi-level marketing businesses.  Is it a sound way to bring in an income?  Is the company good to its consultants?  Are the products all that?  etc. etc....

Do you or anyone you know have experience with Arbonne?  (Both selling and purchasing their beauty/wellness items.)  If so, can you please share your experience with me, as I consider joining.  Any info is incredibly helpful right

Thanks so much! 

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Hi Nikki, Network Marketing can be an excellent way to create passive income for yourself, while building communication, leadership, business and many other skills. The industry as a whole has seen a boom during the "recession" as many people have realized that there jobs were not as secure as they once sought.

The industry is also very highly recommended by Financial and business gurus such as Robert Kiyosaki, Robert G. Allen, Donald trump, and even former President Clinton.

I would do your due dilligence on the company, it's compensation plan, products, and most importantly learn about how you will be trained once you decide to join. Your training is essential to your success.

I have been in the industry for over 5 years, and have benefited in many ways from it. Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions, and if there is anything I can help you with to succeed. I have many resources that may benefit you.

Hi Niki!

I sold Arbonne for a few months, and yes, multi-tiered marketing is VERY difficult. Most people want to sell Mary Kay or other less expensive products because they're much more well-known and cheaper. Arbonne, is however, an incredible product! I just found it very hard to get people to book parties, and then hand me $50 for a tiny bottle of cream. Especially in this economy, I would personally advise you to look into other options. BUT, I do recommend you sign up for the account to get the nice 35% discount. The shipping prices are also astronomical! WOW!

I have a bunch of products that I bought to have so I could sell them right on the spot at parties and never sold them... so I got stuck with a few things. Love Arbonne's products though... just a very tough sell. Good luck!!!
I have a friend that sells Arbonne makeup. I'm not sure what sorts of connections one must have, but I know she also works at a bar/restaurant in their marketing dept, so every so often she'll host parties in the vip area. I've personally never been to one, however, I sell lia sophia jewelry and it is along the same pyramid scheme. For me, it's a nice extra job while school is not in session. I'm not aware of how the makeup selling biz is going, but if you're interested in learning more about becoming a lia sophia jewelry advisor, just let me know~ the perks are pretty good :)
first of all, congrats on wanting to generate some passive income. I know a couple of people that have been involved in Arbonne over the years but have switched (or added) a new network marketing company to their arsenal. It's an e-commerce company that helps you save and make money on the internet. there is no inventory to buy, no home parties to book, and the "buy-in" cost is relatively low compared to other network marketing companies.

I'd love to share it with you if you'd like as it's better to see than to explain. Let me know when you have about 20-30 mins in front of a computer and I can give you a call.

Good luck.
Its funny that you mention this, because just the other I was flippin thru the channels and there was a show on all about multi-level marketing. and i started watching for the hell of. they did a good job of explaining it and in an amusing way.

here is a link with an overiview: http://behindmlm.com/mlm/penn-and-teller-declare-mlm-industry-is-bu...
Awesome videos Marisa. I'd like to chime in with this helpful article.


Marisa said:
Its funny that you mention this, because just the other I was flippin thru the channels and there was a show on all about multi-level marketing. and i started watching for the hell of. they did a good job of explaining it and in an amusing way.

here is a link with an overiview: http://behindmlm.com/mlm/penn-and-teller-declare-mlm-industry-is-bu...
Hi Niki -

Arbonne is all that I use and I love it!! I went to a party last year and have been hooked ever since. My mom noticed a change in my hair and skin and asked me what I using. Now she is also using Arbonne. I would suggest, you try the products for a few months and see what you think of them. If you like them and are passionate about a product, it will sell itself no matter what the cost.

I have been doing Arbonne for almost a year now and I have to say it has changed the course of my life forever! I realize this discussion has been up for a month now, but if you are still not involved and would like to talk some more about it or ask any questions I would be happy to help!


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