I was wondering if anyone would be interested in setting up a camping weekend now that the weather is getting nicer.  I have been camping many times and love it!  Maybe we could toss a hike into the mix as well?  Let me know your thoughts.

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The more the merrier..just wish we could nail down a date..Can everyone post their #1 choice for a weekend in June? I think we should really make reservations this week.

Patricia said:
Hi Rebecca, I'm new to this discussion but I would be interested in joining if its still possible.
Hello all,

I'm new here and would be up for something like this. I don't know if you've nailed anything down yet as far as a place...but Rebeccas original suggestion of Jim Thorpe is always a good option. Mauch Chunk Campground has lakeside sites which are nice for fishing/kayaking, etc.. (and I have four kayaks available). The Lehigh River is just down the block which is nice for some paddling and swimming as well. Town is just down the block so if you need anything it's pretty convenient. Penns peak is also a great Colorado style log cabin type venue with a lot of great bands passing through. I spent a weekend out there last summer and we all caught a show on Saturday night which was a alot of fun.

Another option is the Kittatiny Canoe Site just north of Port Jervis. They have streamside camping on a really pretty evergreen forested site. It is also just up the hill from the Delaware for swimming, tubing, rafting, etc..

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there....

Please keep me posted as things develop or drop me a line if you have any questions.
hey rebecca, i really think we should avoid father's day weekend if possible. since i signed up for the terrace pond hike and swim the weekend of the 5th, i vote for the weekend of the 12th and 13th. doesn't matter to me where we stay, but i'd love to do kayaking, canoeing, or white water rafting that weekend if possible!

Rebecca said:
The more the merrier..just wish we could nail down a date..Can everyone post their #1 choice for a weekend in June? I think we should really make reservations this week.

Patricia said:
Hi Rebecca, I'm new to this discussion but I would be interested in joining if its still possible.
I'd rather stick with the 11th and 12th. While kayaking or river stuff certainly sounds fun, I feel compelled to point out it may still be fairly cold for that. We should pick a place that also has a lot of non-water options, ie hiking and horse backriding. I've read good things about Jim Thorpe -- John can you call that campground and see if its available for our needs? I'll try to call the place around High Point -- don't know much about the campground, but nice hiking up there and it'd be near where some of us went horseback riding before, that had a cool evening ride/BBQ thing.
I called High Point State Park about their campgrounds. They have space available as of now for June 11th and 12th, with multiple sites together, but can't guarantee that as it becomes closer so we'd be better off making reservations sooner. Each site can have up to six people (so more than one tent) and is $20/night. They need separate reservations for each sites so it seems we'd need to do something like pair off in groups up to 6 and coordinate that way. (Also, she said that after 8 pm they need each campsite to have no more than 6 people on it, and they enforce this -- ie if we're a bigger group we would probably be shooed from all sitting around one campfire -- bleh.) Reservations can be made over the phone and booked with a major credit card -- they can't refund a payment if you need to cancel but can try to reschedule. There are toilets at the campground but the closest showers are at the swimming lake 4 miles away (I've camped in similar circumstances, it's not a big deal at all).
So there's another option to consider. I agree with Rebecca -- anyone else on this string needs to speak up soon with their preference on what weekend and what location so we can all book and plan accordingly.
I'm down for anything on the 11-12th weekend so count me in. I can also act as a person to hold a camp site if needed. I'm not sure how much of a fan I am about the after 6pm thing...but what can you do.
I agree it will likely be a bit cold for water activities. I'd love to go to High Point as I have heard good things about hiking there. Also, Jim Thorpe is at least an hour further for me.

I'd prefer to go later in June as I have a minor conflict with the 12th, but I can absolutely do that weekend if thats what everyone else is up for.

Any preference on Friday vs Saturday night? Or both nights?
I would probably go Friday night for sure, then see how comfortable I am to stay Saturday night. I kind of agree with Jay. I believe the Kittatiny River site had a similar rule about "breaking up" after a certain time, but it might have been 10pm/11pm that it was enforced, plus I think more than 6 could stay at a "site." I'm not positive. Yeah, the water may be cold, so hiking is a good daytime activity. I would try horseback riding or anything else.
I have a small stove, but not enough for a big group. I have a ton of cooking supplies though and I don't mind food shopping. I'm not familiar with Port Jervis at all, but if someone has a specific campground I will gladly call them. Otherwise, I think High Point is a good idea.

Kristen Buckley said:
That weekend works for me. I'd rather go 2 nights because it seems like a waste to set up and drive out for just a day. The weekend tends to fly by too. I'd vote for Port Jervis area too since I prefer a less strict site. I'd just say avoid Jerry's 3 River campgrounds. It's about an hour from most in north jersey. It'd be nice if someone will handle food shopping (then we'll split the cost) or we can all chip in items. I know Kristin mentioned having a stove, but I lack a stove or cooking supplies.
Since I work from home (or I can plan it that way) and I live in sussex, I can do all the shopping I know what we need...just let me know what needs to be done, glad to help. I def. think we should lock down the weekend and the location so we have something reserved. Time tends to fly.
I'd be interested. Let me know the date you're putting this together for.
We're shooting for June 11-13

Jill said:
I'd be interested. Let me know the date you're putting this together for.

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