Co-Ed Kickball League in Bridgewater - BAM Social Sports

MEET, PLAY, AND BE MERRY! Be a part of the FIRST BAM Social Sports Co-Ed Kickball League! Games are played on Sundays between 10am-2pm starting April 22nd. Post-Game Happy Hours at Buffalo Wild Wings, Bridgewater. See for more information.

Co-ed 10 v 10 (6 men/4 women), 7 inning games or a maximum of 50 minutes. View rules for more information.
Toast to your skills at our post-game happy hours after each game at Buffalo Wild Wings, Bridgewater.

Once the season begins, visit Schedule and Standings to see how your team stacks up to the competition.

Somerset Vocational High School, Bridgewater, NJ

Sundays, games between 10am-2pm.
Season 1 begins April 22nd.

$50 per person. Register as a team captain and hold your teams spot, register as a team player and join a team, or register as a free agent and you will be placed on a team.

Fee Includes
Seven week season including playoffs, one BAM Social Sports t-shirt per player, equipment, umpire, league administrator, and food and drink specials at Buffalo Wild Wings, Bridgewater.

BAM Social Sports provides organized adult co-ed sports leagues in a social atmosphere with post-game happy hours at Buffalo Wild Wings, Bridgewater.

Sports Offered: Kickball, Dodgeball, Softball, Flag Football, Basketball, Bowling, Volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, and more!

Whether you are new in town and want to meet new people, or want to relive your glory days of gym class and recess with friends, BAM Social Sports is the place to meet and compete with active young professionals from all over Northern and Central New Jersey!

Get your friends or colleagues together to form a team, or register as a Free Agent and you will be placed on a team! All leagues include a t-shirt, reserved facilities, referees, and food/drink specials at our local sponsor bar, Buffalo Wild Wings, Bridgewater!

Register now at

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BAM Sports Leagues runs co-ed recreational sports leagues for adults in Northern/Central NJ!

Sports: Kickball, Dodgeball, Softball, Football, Basketball, Soccer, Floor Hockey, Volleyball.


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