Hello Everyone!

I am going to Colorado Cafe in Watchung, NJ on Sunday March 25 for Beginner Line Dancing lessons with some friends from New York.  Lessons are from 3:30-6:30pm.  The cost is $20 and you will have access to food and the full bar.  This also includes admission to club for 7:30pm with more lessons and line dancing at night.

I love country music and line dancing so it would be fun to see some other country music lovers in New Jersey!

If anyone is interested, feel free to just show up!


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If you've never been it's a good time!  I'm not personally a fan of the lessons because they go so slow (for me, anyway).  If you stay a little later they kick out the under 18 crowd and it gets a little more interesting.  Have fun!


This is a Sunday and many like myself have work early Monday morning.  Now for anyone who wants to go on Saturday, let me know.  And no need for lessons, just go with someone like me who can teach you as you go.

Yeah - I've been there a few times before on Wednesdays and once on a Saturday for the lessons and dancing afterward but thought I would try out the Sunday afternoon lessons.  I have been line dancing for awhile now but at places on Long Island - and the dances we do there are a lot different than Colorado Cafe dances.

I have work Monday too but I will line dance any day.  :-)

Hi Stephanie,

Just saw this post from a while ago. I love country line dancing although its been a looong time since I got to go out to do some line dancing. I have been thinking of going June 2nd or 3rd to Colorado Cafe while my sister is up from Virginia. She is Ms. country line dancer. Wondering if you and some others would like to join.



Cool Lisa,

I have never line danced. Maybe I too will give it a try.

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