Anyone want to go ice skating? I would love to find a weekend time that a group can get together, its been so long since I've done something like that and I miss it! I'm in Union County, I know there's an indoor rink in Bridgewater and an outdoor one in Edison, either of which would be good for me. Interested?

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I totally know what you mean -- hot chocolate is never better than after a cold winter activity -- skiing, skating sledding, you name it!

Robin Weaver said:
Is anyone up for going out to eat AFTER ice skating? I always get hungry after burning calories :-p (And... I can't make it to lunch before :-( )
I would definitely go for some hot chocolate after!

Deborah said:
I totally know what you mean -- hot chocolate is never better than after a cold winter activity -- skiing, skating sledding, you name it!

Robin Weaver said:
Is anyone up for going out to eat AFTER ice skating? I always get hungry after burning calories :-p (And... I can't make it to lunch before :-( )
I'd definitely be up for getting something afterwards -- no better way to wind down after skating than having something to warm you up!


Robin Weaver said:
Is anyone up for going out to eat AFTER ice skating? I always get hungry after burning calories :-p (And... I can't make it to lunch before :-( )
I have no preference either way, whatever the group wants to do works for me

Robin Weaver said:
Is anyone up for going out to eat AFTER ice skating? I always get hungry after burning calories :-p (And... I can't make it to lunch before :-( )
it doesn't look like i'm going to be able to make it to ice skating this upcoming weekend.

hopefully the group will decide to go again sometime soon and i'll be able to match up with you all then.
I should be there Sunday, skates in hand.

How about hot chocolate at the Diner on 22 afterward?
Doing a head count; Anyone else want to join a handful of us and come ice skating in Bridgewater on Sunday, Jan. 17th from 2-3:30 pm?
Since there's been some back and forth about meeting up before skating or after, let me put it this way: who wants to meet for lunch near there, like 12:30 pm? (And really, lunch beforehand hardly means we can't get something afterwards.)
D: Forgive my ignorance but is there a specific diner on 22 you're thinking of? or is that the name of one? Because I've seen dozens along that road.
If you're coming and haven't already done so, "friend" me and I'll email the info on lunch if you're joining up for that and my cell number so we don't miss each other.
Please speak up if you're even considering, so I know who to look for and can make reservations if necessary -- Thanks!
I'm looking forward to it!
I'd be up for going to lunch before. I have to leave right after skating so I won't be able to make it for the hot chocolate. If no one else wants to do lunch we can just meet at the rink.

Deborah said:
Doing a head count; Anyone else want to join a handful of us and come ice skating in Bridgewater on Sunday, Jan. 17th from 2-3:30 pm?
Since there's been some back and forth about meeting up before skating or after, let me put it this way: who wants to meet for lunch near there, like 12:30 pm? (And really, lunch beforehand hardly means we can't get something afterwards.)
D: Forgive my ignorance but is there a specific diner on 22 you're thinking of? or is that the name of one? Because I've seen dozens along that road.
If you're coming and haven't already done so, "friend" me and I'll email the info on lunch if you're joining up for that and my cell number so we don't miss each other.
Please speak up if you're even considering, so I know who to look for and can make reservations if necessary -- Thanks!
I'm looking forward to it!
I'd be up for lunch, too.

Deborah said:
Doing a head count; Anyone else want to join a handful of us and come ice skating in Bridgewater on Sunday, Jan. 17th from 2-3:30 pm?
Since there's been some back and forth about meeting up before skating or after, let me put it this way: who wants to meet for lunch near there, like 12:30 pm? (And really, lunch beforehand hardly means we can't get something afterwards.)
D: Forgive my ignorance but is there a specific diner on 22 you're thinking of? or is that the name of one? Because I've seen dozens along that road.
If you're coming and haven't already done so, "friend" me and I'll email the info on lunch if you're joining up for that and my cell number so we don't miss each other.
Please speak up if you're even considering, so I know who to look for and can make reservations if necessary -- Thanks!
I'm looking forward to it!
I'm still up for going, although my skating lesson Sunday morning will probably end too late for me to make it for lunch beforehand. I'm up for something after, though. :)
The name of the diner is actually "Bridgewater Diner," I thought it had Rt 22 in the name.

It's less than a mile from the rink.

When you leave the rink, Frontier Rd. puts you on Rt 22 westbound (don't get on 287). The diner is on your left (in the median). If you miss it, take a u-turn (again on the left) and the diner will be on you left from eastbound 22.
Got it, thanks for letting us know!

d said:
The name of the diner is actually "Bridgewater Diner," I thought it had Rt 22 in the name.

It's less than a mile from the rink.

When you leave the rink, Frontier Rd. puts you on Rt 22 westbound (don't get on 287). The diner is on your left (in the median). If you miss it, take a u-turn (again on the left) and the diner will be on you left from eastbound 22.

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