So... I have been getting a lot of requests lately to do Speed Dating events for “Jewish Singles” and for “Interracial Dating”. I’ve avoided these two niches because it is not possible for me to cover every religion or to cover every race. I want to be fair, I do not want to make Members mad but at the same time I want to continue to give Members what they want.

That being said… tell me why I should and SHOULD NOT do these two niche events.

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I'd be fine with it. I agree with some other posters, that its no different than breaking down dating nights by height, or by age for that matter. I would view these dating nights the same as i view one for an age bracket I'm not in: just let it be and move on. And I also concur with someone's post that its not that easy to "know" what someone's religious background is if you meet them at a happy hour or other event. And its awkward to ask. And I have to say, one thing i can say about NJYP is just about every person I've met through it is great -- fun, normal, interesting. I can't say that about other online dating sites I've tried, or religious groups. Knowing its NJYP people would be a good first step for dating (I'm married now).
I’ve finally finished reading all four looooong pages of the forum. WOW! I think this is the most polarized and aggravating forum I’ve EVER read on the NJYP site. There are some very strong words and opinions used by the both sides. I think, NJYP is a place to have fun, meet friends, business contacts or significant others and generally enjoy life. Not fight and insult one another. Don’t you think that the very fact of this forum, being so angry and antagonizing, is a good indicator that offering this type of events is A VERY BAD IDEA? Probably the worst that I remember in NJYP.

I think the flaming and insults and antagonizing is kinda fun :-)
For those of you that are Jewish and are looking for a way to meet other local Jews without the hassle, I recently took over a MeetUp group called NY/NJ Jews 20's and 30's. We plan lots of social events like dinners, movies, comedy nights, etc. Check it out:

If you know other hebrews and shebrews who may be interested, please help me spread the word. ;)
wow, I just finished reading through all 4 pages of comments. Some of the statements are truly shocking! That being said, I don't think it's a bad idea to have such niche events as long as there is a balance of inclusive events as well where all are welcome. If it gets to the point that there are too many exclusive events replacing inclusive events, then it would be problematic. We have paid for membership after all.

As to the comments about surprise to hear people complain about being offended (I personally am not) and feel discriminated against (I don't). As long as NJYP does not receive any state funding (i.e. a purely "private" business), then applicable anti-discrimination laws probably don't apply but I'm not sure about the Law Against Discrimination (though I'm guessing that since it's modeled after the Federal Civil Rights laws, it probably only applies to state actors (i.e. government or organizations that receive public funding).
DISCLAIMER: this is not to be construed as any legal advice! Just what I recall learning in school.
After reading the very long thread it's time to put my two cents in as well. I personally don't see a problem with adding more niche events as long as there is enough interest. Issues like religion or race can weigh heavily on a person's decison on who to date. If you can make it easier for a person to find a dating pool with similar values/beliefs I am all for it.

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