Anyone up for a movie or two?


Preferred theaters of choice:


AMC Wayne

AMC Clifton Commons

AMC Essex Green (this place was just re-done & is a really cool. Food, drinks, service)


Let me know, I keep missing the cool movies.  


If not up for going to the theater, we can just rent something.

I have a big tv & blue-ray player & a pretty wide couch. 

Not that my place is anything special but all are welcome.  (in Montclair)



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I love movies, I'll keep an eye on this thread
I love movies. I too will keep an eye on this thread. 

Has anyone ever told you that you look like bam margera?  At least in that picture you do. 

Hey Jason,

I live nearby (Cedar Grove) - so I'd be up for food, bar hopping, movies etc. in the general area.  I usually have to be really interested in a movie to pay theater prices, but would like to check out the dine-in one (my friends were talking it up one night recently).   I'll see if any upcoming releases are of interest, but keep me updated in general.

Damn, I can't believe the lack of options out there now.  How can The Smurfs be playing on more than one screen @ a number of theater locations but Captain America can't be found?  What has happened to this country??

I'm down for a movie night....  Jason what kind of movies are you into?

Good ones.  :) 


Thing is, since I don't get to go that often I like to see good old fashioned BIG SCREEN MOVIE movies.  I do like & have an appreciation for all genres but when I get to go to the theater, I try to pick the one most likely to utilize the all the benefits of being there.  That & the fact that its a million dollars now so I want to see something the studio really had to invest in.  So...I guess the simple answer you were likely looking for is...action/adventure.  For example, I would walk in & pick The Expendables over The Piano but would be willing to see The Piano under different circumstances.  That being said, I would pick almost anything over drama.  Not that I don't like good dramas, I just usually would rather not spend the night crying & feeling depressed. :)  But...I do like a good drama.  Who doesn't?


Did that make any sense for you?


Either way, I am up for just about anything as I miss going overall.

Wow, there is nothing out!  There are a few coming out the end of Sept that have some potential (I only have the title and a very brief description to go on at this point).  And, I agree - I definitely gravitate toward action/adventure at the theater.  Although, I love a good comedy too.


End of Sept (16th/23rd) - Moneyball (Pitt movie about baseball), Killer Elite (DeNiro - love him, but he's been hit or miss lately), Abduction (ok, it's the kid from Twilight, but an action flick), Straw Dogs (looks like action), and Drive.

How about Colombiana?  I see the reviews are not very high but I don't usually go by the reviews.  If so, I would go to the AMC Essex Green.
Drive also looks interesting.
Saw Colombiana last weekend & really liked it.  Def recommend it.  Drive sounds good! Haven't seen any previews for it but the description looks good.
anyone see Contagion? If so, how was it? I'm seeing it this Thursday.
So...Thursday?  Is everybody in?  :)  JK, I know that was not an automatic invite.  Anyone up for Apollo 18 too? (whichever day?)

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