Night out at Odyssey Lounge in Pine Brook, NJ Janurary 24

Hi All,

     I am hosting a night out at the Odyssey Lounge in Pine Brook, NJ(downstairs from Tiffany's and formerly known as the Martini Lounge).  THe date is Friday January 24, 2014 at 9pm.  This night will consist of $5 drink specials, DJ's all night palying the best in top 40 remixes, dance hits, 90's classics(with a couple 80's thrown in there), and best of all NO COVER.  This place is very low key which is perfect for sociallizing and meeting new friends.  There are couches and cocktail tables all around the place with a dance floor to have a good time on.  Couches or tables can be reserved but is not manditory, as any available couch will be open seating.  Come out and have a good time with good music and not deal with the over the top club scene or the low key dive bar.  Get the best of both worlds in a relaxed enviornment.  Any questions you can contact me directly at 973-332-5390 like me on Facebook, DJ Negs, or send me a message on here.  Hope to see you guys there and meet many of you.




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