Hello NJYP,

I am very excited to announce that New Jersey Young Professionals has been acquired by Brian Melnick of BAM Social Sports and his business partner, Michael Park.

I started New Jersey Young Professionals in my 20's, and since the beginning, people have been asking me what I was going to do when I "aged out of my own group?". After lots of thought and deliberation I decided to find someone who would carry on the spirit of the group. 

Brian and Mike are young, energetic, and talented entrepreneurs who are ready to take on the task of leading the state's biggest Young Professionals organization. I have no doubt that they are going to do great things with NJYP!

During this transition, I will be still be around but you can also contact me at Laura@LauraOcchipinti.com or via LinkedIn regarding matters not related to NJYP.

Thank you all for your support for the last 11 years.


Laura Occhipinti

PS, You can reach Brian at Brian@NJYP.org and Mike atMike@NJYP.org
PPS, Come out and meet Brian at Sunday's Sundress and Tie Party!


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Thanks so much for your support Laura! I am so excited to meet everyone and continue growing the wonderful community that you created. As a member of NJYP for the last 5 years, I have made countless meaningful connections through this real life social network, and I look forward to providing that network for all New Jersey Young Professionals for many years to come!

Although I also own BAM Social Sports, I have no intention of turning NJYP into a sports club. NJYP will continue to provide social events and business events, such as happy hours, theme parties, networking events, speed dating, hikes, and more, all over this great state of NJ!

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