Today, 2.22.10, is the official 6 Year Anniversary of NJYP!  It was 6 years ago tonight that I was sitting in my condo, alone, yet again.  I was asking myself “How does one go and meet people for friendships?  I searched online for about an hour; looking for something to join.  When I came up empty handed I went to Yahoo Groups and formed what is now known as “New Jersey Young Professionals”.  I posted an ad on and within a week there were about 100 members on my Yahoo Group.  The first event was at The Office in Bridgewater.  I was terrified to go!  I remember  driving there thinking, “What the hell am I doing?”.  But around 10 people came out  and all were friendly (and none wanted to murder me)!  The group evolved from there and it grew and grew until it is what you see today.

Thank you to everyone who has been there for the last 6 years and to those who just joined.  Thanks to those who I met along the way and encouraged me to “keep up the good work”.  At times I certainly wanted to run away from NJYP (for a variety of reasons) but I am so glad I never gave it up. Thank you to those who have come and gone.  And by gone I mean you moved away, got married, had a baby, aged out, or life just has gotten too busy for you.  Thank you to the a-m-a-z-i-n-g group of friends I have made (you know who you are and I love you all).  And thank you to my boyfriend who has been to nearly every major NJYP event the last two years and who has proved to be my biggest supporter across all categories. 

Much love,

Laura Occhipinti

PS, Around 150 people were at the Anniversary Party on Friday.  If I had not drank 3 beers I may have said a lot more when Kevin gave me the microphone but instead I just said “Thanks” and above you see what I really meant by that.

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Congrats Laura!
You've been doing a wonderful job connecting people and creating friendships.
You are a true NJ Linking Diva ;) Cheers to you
Congratulations, Laura! I remember the Yahoo Group! I've also had many great nights out and met many wonderful people through NJYP. Thanks for your vision and persistence in building NJYP to what it is today.

Here's to a few more years of NJYP before I graduate to NJP!
Congrats Laura. If you believe than you shall achieve. -- Young Jeezy
Thanks again everyone!
Even though i don't attend events like i used to, NJYP will always hold a special place in my heart! I've met some wonderful people here who have become some of my closest friends, met my now-husband at a NJYP unofficial softball event (but we "started" at a Single Mingle... i still have my sticker from him!), and got my current job through a girl i met in NJYP! I've kinda milked NJYP for all it's worth ;-)

Congrats Laura on 6 years! I hope you know how thankful we all are for all your hard work starting this amazing group!!!
Thanks Jessica.

Jessica said:
Even though i don't attend events like i used to, NJYP will always hold a special place in my heart! I've met some wonderful people here who have become some of my closest friends, met my now-husband at a NJYP unofficial softball event (but we "started" at a Single Mingle... i still have my sticker from him!), and got my current job through a girl i met in NJYP! I've kinda milked NJYP for all it's worth ;-)

Congrats Laura on 6 years! I hope you know how thankful we all are for all your hard work starting this amazing group!!!

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