Dear Happy Hour Water Drinkers,

I'm making a simple request that if you go to an NJYP Happy Hour that you order more than just a glass of water.  If you do not drink alcohol you can order food, a soda, a nice virgin drink, ANYTHING but a glass of free water.

Why? You are taking up space in the bar and costing them money.  They are paying for rent, heat, electricity, insurance, internet, phone, etc.  You are also putting our relationship with the bar at risk. :(

What?  You ONLY drink water and you do not eat food??? Then hit up an NJYP hike where it is BYOWater.


PS, Many thanks to MOST of you who do not do this!  If you see someone ordering just water perhaps remind them they are hurting the bar, NJYP, and potentially you if Happy Hours start getting canceled.

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Very uncalled for.
I've been to more Happy Hours than you I bet and I have to say, I've ALWAYS ordered alcohol and never paid for a $13 glass of wine. Stop picking the most expensive thing on the menu and then bitching about it.

Phil Simon said:
Can I request that they not charge $13 for a glass of Merlot?
I agree - also, if it's because you can't afford at least ONE $5/6 drink (average), then maybe you shouldn't go to these things. I'm not trying to be mean, i'm just saying that it looks very cheap to go out and just have water, and not even TIP THE BAR!!!! Yikes.
I'll say it again "If you do not drink alcohol you can order food, a soda, a nice virgin drink, ANYTHING but a glass of free water."

Going into a place of business that sells food and drinks and ordering a free water is NOT fair to that business. If you ONLY drink water (and you do not eat restaurant food) then stay home or go hang in a public park which is free; seriously. Let there be more space for those who are there to support the business.

Anthony S. said:
I'm in a good mood, so I'll take the bait. What about those of us who don't drink soda? I'm not going to pretend I'm a teetotaler, but several years ago I was (and I was happier and had more money haha). The vast majority of the time I'll have a glass of water (no lemon, thankyouverymuch) because I'm not in the mood to drink alcohol, and I won't touch anything carbonated. I'm not going to walk up to the bar and say "Can I have a glass of orange juice?" What would you say to a member who's a recovering alcoholic? "Sorry, we want people to drink liquor because otherwise the bar might get mad at us"? Or someone who's going just to socialize, but is having money problems that week? I know 98% of NJYPs are not of this mindset, and that's all the more reason why I find this post puzzling. It's not as if you go to a happy hour and everyone is drinking water - most people have an alcoholic drink in their hand, or at least a soda. I think it's unfair to call out a handful of NJYPs like this, because I can assure you the bars aren't hurting for our business (especially if Jeremy is around lol). And you're only going to risk alienating members for their personal life choices, just because you're worried about the perception of the organization in the eyes of the business community. I'd be more concerned about the perception of the organization amongst its members, and a policy like this will only hurt.

And it's funny, because I was planning to go to NB tonight for the HH, but car issues will likely cause me to miss it. I might even have had a *gasp* glass of water, or who knows, maybe a Goose and Cranberry... I guess now we'll never know.
Anyone who is a recovering alcoholic and goes INTO a bar is just asking for a setback.

Anthony S. said:
I'm in a good mood, so I'll take the bait. What about those of us who don't drink soda? I'm not going to pretend I'm a teetotaler, but several years ago I was (and I was happier and had more money haha). The vast majority of the time I'll have a glass of water (no lemon, thankyouverymuch) because I'm not in the mood to drink alcohol, and I won't touch anything carbonated. I'm not going to walk up to the bar and say "Can I have a glass of orange juice?" What would you say to a member who's a recovering alcoholic? "Sorry, we want people to drink liquor because otherwise the bar might get mad at us"? Or someone who's going just to socialize, but is having money problems that week? I know 98% of NJYPs are not of this mindset, and that's all the more reason why I find this post puzzling. It's not as if you go to a happy hour and everyone is drinking water - most people have an alcoholic drink in their hand, or at least a soda. I think it's unfair to call out a handful of NJYPs like this, because I can assure you the bars aren't hurting for our business (especially if Jeremy is around lol). And you're only going to risk alienating members for their personal life choices, just because you're worried about the perception of the organization in the eyes of the business community. I'd be more concerned about the perception of the organization amongst its members, and a policy like this will only hurt.

And it's funny, because I was planning to go to NB tonight for the HH, but car issues will likely cause me to miss it. I might even have had a *gasp* glass of water, or who knows, maybe a Goose and Cranberry... I guess now we'll never know.
May I make a suggestion? Some of us may be having money issues, so why doesn't someone suggest a "freebie/cheapie" get together on the forum? This was set up so we could make friends with one another, socialize, etc; The events Laura does aren't the only NJYP events - there's tons on the forums too. You can easily make friends that way as well. Plus it may be a little less intimidating with less people there.
I think the point of this exercise is to give us something to make jokes about tonight at the HH.

Anthony S. said:
@Katie: I always tip when I get water, because it's the polite thing to do. I know my water is free, and I don't want to punish them for my personal choices. I would hope that those who order the water do the same, but it's their decision.

@Laura: Correct me if I'm wrong, but the purpose of the happy hours is for the members to socialize, not to support the business. The motto is "Get Out. Make Friends.", not "Get Out. Spend Money." If someone wants to spend the membership fee and then do nothing but go to free happy hours, how is that your concern? That's their prerogative. You got your money from them - what they do from here on out is their business. Like I said, the people this post is targeting are a small minority of members, and I still cannot fathom what the point of this exercise is supposed to accomplish.

Don't be cheap a Coke. :)

It's business...if the bars don't make some profit off of happy hours...they won't let us use the space anymore for events. Or Laura will have to start charging covers to get her events into bars.

I give you permission to make fun of me in my absence. Cheapies UNITE!! LOL!

James said:
I think the point of this exercise is to give us something to make jokes about tonight at the HH.

Anthony S. said:
@Katie: I always tip when I get water, because it's the polite thing to do. I know my water is free, and I don't want to punish them for my personal choices. I would hope that those who order the water do the same, but it's their decision.

@Laura: Correct me if I'm wrong, but the purpose of the happy hours is for the members to socialize, not to support the business. The motto is "Get Out. Make Friends.", not "Get Out. Spend Money." If someone wants to spend the membership fee and then do nothing but go to free happy hours, how is that your concern? That's their prerogative. You got your money from them - what they do from here on out is their business. Like I said, the people this post is targeting are a small minority of members, and I still cannot fathom what the point of this exercise is supposed to accomplish.
Anthony -

How far do you think a $19.99 Membership fee that lasts up to 21 years can be spread? If you go to 1 happy hour a month over 5 years that is 33 CENTS per happy hour.

Again, to go to a bar and order water is not fair. It is not fair to the business and if enough businesses feel that way they will start demanding covers and then you will be paying for Happy Hours that I try so hard to keep FREE.

I do not believe in "every man for himself". I bring businesses to the bars, they save us nice space so you can "Get out. Make friends." Sometimes they bars even give extra specials, free food, etc. You go to bars, you spend money, the bars are happy and they keep giving. Members get to attend Happy Hours for free because bars are happy. We are all connected, as crazy as that may seem.

Also, please reread my original post a few times if you have to as you seem to be skipping points I made such as:
- THIS WAS directed TO SELECT WATER DRINKS who put the group at risk

Anthony S. said:
@Katie: I always tip when I get water, because it's the polite thing to do. I know my water is free, and I don't want to punish them for my personal choices. I would hope that those who order the water do the same, but it's their decision.

@Laura: Correct me if I'm wrong, but the purpose of the happy hours is for the members to socialize, not to support the business. The motto is "Get Out. Make Friends.", not "Get Out. Spend Money." If someone wants to spend the membership fee and then do nothing but go to free happy hours, how is that your concern? That's their prerogative. You got your money from them - what they do from here on out is their business. Like I said, the people this post is targeting are a small minority of members, and I still cannot fathom what the point of this exercise is supposed to accomplish.
I never just order water, but I don't like being told what to do. And I certainly don't want people harassing me for seeing me order water, when they might not have seen me drink 2 glasses of wine. So, since I was on the fence about going tonight, this just made my decision easier. Thanks.
HOly crap! Buy a friend a drink! Buy a cute woman a drink! Buy a newbie a drink.

Anthony S. said:
What if you don't drink soda?

Lizzie said:

Don't be cheap a Coke. :)

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