Dear Happy Hour Water Drinkers,

I'm making a simple request that if you go to an NJYP Happy Hour that you order more than just a glass of water.  If you do not drink alcohol you can order food, a soda, a nice virgin drink, ANYTHING but a glass of free water.

Why? You are taking up space in the bar and costing them money.  They are paying for rent, heat, electricity, insurance, internet, phone, etc.  You are also putting our relationship with the bar at risk. :(

What?  You ONLY drink water and you do not eat food??? Then hit up an NJYP hike where it is BYOWater.


PS, Many thanks to MOST of you who do not do this!  If you see someone ordering just water perhaps remind them they are hurting the bar, NJYP, and potentially you if Happy Hours start getting canceled.

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LOLs some more at people.
If you do not drink soda...have some juice...if you do not drink juice...drink some booze...if you do not drink a taco...if you do not eat a taco...have some pie....the options are endless! :)

Anthony S. said:
What if you don't drink soda?

Lizzie said:

Don't be cheap a Coke. :)
Oy vey...I think the point Laura is trying to express here is that if you're going to go to a FREE happy hour (not a paid event!) and drink water, AND only water, no food consumption, etc., you're not doing the BAR any business by being just a body there. I don't see what the big deal is - if for whatever reason you don't drink - what the heck are you doing in a bar anyway? Go to another event to meet people! If you're too broke to do one of these events - suggest one on the forum! Really, there's a solution for every problem mentioned here.
Right on Katie!

Katie Piatkowski said:
Oy vey...I think the point Laura is trying to express here is that if you're going to go to a FREE happy hour (not a paid event!) and drink water, AND only water, no food consumption, etc., you're not doing the BAR any business by being just a body there. I don't see what the big deal is - if for whatever reason you don't drink - what the heck are you doing in a bar anyway? Go to another event to meet people! If you're too broke to do one of these events - suggest one on the forum! Really, there's a solution for every problem mentioned here.
I wish I could "like" Katie's comment like Facebook.

"Lizzie likes this"
Ditto!! Is it "national complain day"?

Lizzie said:
LOLs some more at people.
Katie "likes" that you "like" that!!!

Lizzie said:
I wish I could "like" Katie's comment like Facebook.

"Lizzie likes this"
"I'm making a simple request that if you go to an NJYP Happy Hour that you order more than just a glass of water."

"If you do not drink alcohol you can order food, a soda, a nice virgin drink, ANYTHING but a glass of free water."

OH, and if you do not eat then please return to the planet you came from.

Anthony S. said:
Laura, I'm not arguing your intentions. I know your intentions are good - you want people to spend money, so the bars let us come back. I understand what you're trying to accomplish. I'm saying the way in which you're going about it is not tactful, and it seems like you're attacking members for decisions which may or may not be within their control. Whether I drink water because I like it or because of a medical reason, my decisions are my own, and I don't appreciate being ordered to do something. I'm the type of person to cut my nose off to spite my own face, and with a honker as big as mine I'm willing to take a chunk out every now & again on principle. All you've done is throw a rock at a perfectly quiet bee's nest, and I'd be worried about getting stung.

Laura Occhipinti said:
Anthony -

How far do you think a $19.99 Membership fee that lasts up to 21 years can be spread? If you go to 1 happy hour a month over 5 years that is 33 CENTS per happy hour.

Again, to go to a bar and order water is not fair. It is not fair to the business and if enough businesses feel that way they will start demanding covers and then you will be paying for Happy Hours that I try so hard to keep FREE.

I do not believe in "every man for himself". I bring businesses to the bars, they save us nice space so you can "Get out. Make friends." Sometimes they bars even give extra specials, free food, etc. You go to bars, you spend money, the bars are happy and they keep giving. Members get to attend Happy Hours for free because bars are happy. We are all connected, as crazy as that may seem.

Also, please reread my original post a few times if you have to as you seem to be skipping points I made such as:
- THIS WAS directed TO SELECT WATER DRINKS who put the group at risk

Anthony S. said:
@Katie: I always tip when I get water, because it's the polite thing to do. I know my water is free, and I don't want to punish them for my personal choices. I would hope that those who order the water do the same, but it's their decision.

@Laura: Correct me if I'm wrong, but the purpose of the happy hours is for the members to socialize, not to support the business. The motto is "Get Out. Make Friends.", not "Get Out. Spend Money." If someone wants to spend the membership fee and then do nothing but go to free happy hours, how is that your concern? That's their prerogative. You got your money from them - what they do from here on out is their business. Like I said, the people this post is targeting are a small minority of members, and I still cannot fathom what the point of this exercise is supposed to accomplish.
Crikey ... if you feel self-conscious about ordering juice at a bar, you need to get over it. I've been out to bars when I wasn't feeling well or otherwise did not feel like drinking booze and I ordered juice and didn't think twice about it. If you care about what the bartender thinks, that's silly. I can almost guarantee you aren't the first or last person to ever order juice at a bar. If you care about what others around you think, just lie and say it's a vodka cranberry or a screwdriver. Problem solved.

And as a former host, I know first hand that many of the bars where we hold events truly do go out of their way to give us perks and make accommodations for us. Idealists cover your eyes: they do this because Laura brings them a big boost in business... NOT out of the kindness of their hearts. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. No boost in revenue when NJYP is in town, no special favors.
I would think that if the bar/restaurant is concerned about making a bit less money at this event by someone drinking water, then they're not looking at the important long-term benefits of hosting one of these events. Sure, I go to these events to hang out, meet people, and have a few drinks, but I also go to check out a new place - to see if it's worthwhile to go back another time.

We've been hosting alumni game-watching parties (for U of Michigan) at Mike's Courtside in New Brunswick, and everyone who attends says "Wow, I've never been here, but this place has a great feel and awesome food!" or something to that extent. Bars SHOULD be hosting these events to get new people in their doors, not to make a lot of money on that day.

I also agree with someone else's comment, that these events are more about socializing than anything. A few people drinking water shouldn't be a big deal; let them enjoy their clarity and hydration, while I enjoy my lack of both!

See you at Glo!
I consume all of my nutrients intravenously.

I think the important question that needs to be asked is, Lizzie are you coming out tonight?

Lizzie said:
If you do not drink soda...have some juice...if you do not drink juice...drink some booze...if you do not drink a taco...if you do not eat a taco...have some pie....the options are endless! :)

Anthony S. said:
What if you don't drink soda?

Lizzie said:

Don't be cheap a Coke. :)
Geez people it's Thanksgiving Eve! Can't all of you cut Laura some slack and at least be thankful that she does events like this for us? She's making one simple request. If you don't drink and/or are having financial troubles split an appetizer with someone. Like Katie said there is a solution for everything that is being mentioned on here. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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