I am a part of the GTA Tennis League in Clifton which has been
established since 1992 and is the largest league in Northern NJ. We have
everyone from beginners to USTA Pro's - it is hands down the best group
of Tennis Players around. We play at Robinhood Park in Clifton (off of
either Broad St. or Van Houten Ave) during the week, as well as on
Saturdays (2-5) & ...Sundays (11-2). You have to have a good sense
of humor because we talk lots of crap, but we always have a fun time and
the competition is great. I am a 3.5 myself.
Every single stat is kept, we have a full ranking system for men and women, lots of
tournaments, awards and more.
Men and Women.
Feel free to email me at chambericon@gmail.com if you have any
questions, I know we will be playing there tomorrow from 2 - 5