Presentation Talk: "A Practitioner’s Guide to Leadership"

A Practitioner’s Guide to Leadership

On October 13, 2010, the IEEE NJ Section Aerospace will host a talk on “A Practitioner’s Guide to Leadership."  The speaker will be Dr. Barry L. Shoop.

About the Talk

Leadership can be defined as the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members.  Leadership is not dependant on title or formal authority.  All too often we think of leadership as something we will develop and apply later rather than earlier in our career.  This applies to both leadership within our chosen technical discipline and leadership of our profession.  In the early stages of a career, most people naturally focus on the technical aspects of their career.  They begin their careers applying the technical disciplinary knowledge and skills they acquired in college and focus on those aspects that will ensure promotion, tenure, and success early in their career. However, leadership is something that should be considered and fostered early and often throughout our entire professional career.

This presentation will cover a mixture of traditional and non-traditional topics associated with leadership. Leadership development, leadership theories, leadership traits and differences between leaders and managers are subjects traditionally found in texts on leadership.  Team composition and diversity of opinion, understanding individual and group dynamics, and meetings are not subjects traditionally found in leadership texts.  The topical diversity is intended to provide practical insights and applications of leadership theory.

This presentation motivated the IEEE-USA e-Book:  A Practitioner’s Guide to Leadership published in January 2009 (

About the Speaker

Barry L. Shoop is Professor of EE and Deputy Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the United States Military Academy at West Point. 

All Welcome!

You do not have to be a member of the IEEE to attend the talks but please register at by October 10, 2010.  Come and bring your friends.

If you are not a US citizen or permanent resident, please send your name, employer’s name, citizenship, and passport #  to Dr. Naresh Chand by October 10, 2010.  Please use your email subject as “IEEE AESS talk”.


Time:  7:00 - 8:30 PM, Wednesday, October 13, 2010.  Free buffet will begin at 6:00 PM.

Place:  BAE Systems, 164 Totowa Road, Wayne, NJ  07474.

Information:  Dr. Naresh Chand, (973) 633-6310, naresh.chand “AT”


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