Anyone want to go snowshoeing this Sunday?

Some other people I was planing on going with cancelled but I still really want to go because we’re supposed to get lots of new snow in the next couple days and it should be gorgeous!

I’ve only gone once before so beginners welcome, and it takes no special skills – it’s basically walking. It was lots of fun – basically a winter alternative to hiking.

Someone had suggested a place called High Point in Sussex so that’s where I was thinking of going.

Anyone interested, shoot me an email and we can coordinate times and whatnot.



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Sounds fun. Beginner I am! Ive been interested in trying.... I can't use poles (I use one hand). I think I could still do it. I walk every day LOL. My email is Give me a shout
Cool! I'll email you, but in case anyone else is wondering: there are no poles involved. You might be thinking of cross-country skiing. Anyone else, speak up -- if you don't want to post your email here, send me a NJYP friend request with the best way to reach you.
Hi Deborah,
It turns out I can't go this Sunday, but if you want to go another weekend, I'll go. I have plans next weekend, but am free on Sunday, March 14 and 21. Let me know if you'd want to go then.
Oh man, I want to go but I really need to get the proper clothing for this. I've been dying to go to High Point since last year when I discovered the place online.

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