Hi - Anyone interested in getting together to play tennis. I am at a 3.5 level and always looking for players.

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Hey Claudia,

I am always looking for new tennis players!  Where do you play now in Mercer County? 



4.5 in Somerset county. Mercer county is far, I just wanted to say hi.

Message me if anyone's planning to play tennis on the weekend once the weather gets better.

I've always thought there should be a quasi-unofficial NJYP tennis event catered towards newbies who want to get their first taste of the sport. I'd be happy to give tweener lessons.

James I think you should put something together for the newbies. =)

Hi Claudia,

Where in Mercer Co are you?  I'd hit on the weekends.  I'm about a 3.5 also.  Used to be a 4.5 but it's been a while :-)


I've needed a steady partner for years, 3.5 right off 202 in Flemington area with courts in my complex, weekdays after 6 or some weekends would work too.  depending on where in Mercer, could be not too far

Dar I'd be happy to give newbie lessons but only if you promise to show up. ;)

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