Unofficial happy hour meet-up Aug 4 at Green Knoll in Bridgewater (Looking to Make More Friends in Middlesex/Somerset Area)

Hey all =o)

I'm not new to NJYP but a lot of personal stuff has kept me away for a while. But now I'm back (hooray) and really interested in getting back in the loop. Most of my friends live pretty far away so I'm hoping to make some more great friends in this area. There's a lot of great places to go in New Brunswick or the Somerville/Bridgewater area. Anyone want to get together one night in the next week or two? Let's get a few ppl out to have a few drinks and some good convo.


So far it seems Wed, Aug 4 is the date and we're meeting at Green Knoll at 7pm. Meet at the Tiki bar outside, weather permitting...Looking for ideas on how we can more easily find each other since its not an official event and there will be other people there besides us. cell # exchange maybe?


Mine work BlackBerry # is 646.334-2448. I'll have it on me for Aug 4th but its not usually the best way to get in touch with me normally. Also, my FB page is Feel free to friend me. I'm on there all the time so it's usually the fastest way to get a hold of me. Just mention you're from NJYP since I usually tend to ignore requests from ppl I don't know.




PS- Looks like we got a good crowd coming :) Tell your friends too. The more the merrier! Also remember to bring business cards so we can all stay in touch easier (trying to search for random names on the njyp site is a bit difficult if you only have a person's first name). See you Wednesday!

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Hi Stacy,
I'm from Middlesex County. Where are you from? Getting together somewhere in New Brunswick in the next couple of weeks would be great! Post-Bar Exam, I'm def going to need have a drink or two :)
Hey you! Glad to see your post. I'm up for something --- just let me know where and when!
Me too if I can make it home from the City in time. =)
I live in North Brunswick and work in Edison, so I'm all about Middlesex county. I'm trying to organize a bar crawl in New Brunswick. I'm also always open to meeting new people, so let me know if you want to meet up or join the bar crawl.
HEY!!!!! How have you been? Can't wait to see you again and catch up :)

Jacqueline Durett said:
Hey you! Glad to see your post. I'm up for something --- just let me know where and when!
So I'm thinking to plan something for Wednesday August 4th (so my roomie can maybe come too). I'm thinking either Clyde's in New Brunswick (awesome martini bar but very small space) or Green Knoll in Bridgewater (it has an outdoor space as well). Open to any other suggestions too. Let's meet around 7pm though since I'll be comin in from the city and have to rely on NJ Transit's horrible schedule. Bring your friends!
I work in NYC also. Where are you located? I'm down by NYU.

Dar said:
Me too if I can make it home from the City in time. =)
Hi Stacy,

I'm interested in attending either location (New Brunswick is a little closer, I live and work in Middlesex County). Either way, it sounds like a fun time.

I'm in Midtown. If you ever want to meet up after work let me know. There are a few of us in the City.

Stacy Straczynski said:
I work in NYC also. Where are you located? I'm down by NYU.

Dar said:
Me too if I can make it home from the City in time. =)

trying to build a group for this too. More than welcome to join - NJYP are pretty darned friendly.
Hi! I was supposed to go to the Davidson Ave. happy hour last night but I had a seamstress emergency (my sister's wedding is in two weeks). Saw you were on the list to go and was looking forward to running into you. We need to get together soon! :-)

Stacy Straczynski said:
HEY!!!!! How have you been? Can't wait to see you again and catch up :)

Jacqueline Durett said:
Hey you! Glad to see your post. I'm up for something --- just let me know where and when!
Clydz or Green Knoll would also work for me.....

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