Viridian Energy - Save Green, Go Green, and Earn Green!

Viridian Energy is a green energy supplier in New Jersey as well as other states. For the first time in Jersey's history we will be able to get discount energy rates. This does not change your relationship with the utility. Viridian is not only cheaper but they offer a 20% green produced energy, and also have no enrollment or cancellation fees. You also still get one single bill!

We offer low cost green energy. The savings is based on a variable rate to save you the most money over the course of the year while helping the environment.
Each person that switches is like planting 55 trees a year.
We currently are in NJ, CT, MD, PA, and soon to be NY, IL, and MA.

Features of choosing Viridian Energy:
- Free To Switch
- No Enrollment or Cancellation Fees
- Same Single Bill &
Comes From 20% Green Sources 
compared to Jersey's Utility default supplier that's less than 8% Green

Join the Viridian Team - Great Income Opportunity
There is also a great income opportunity as well that Viridian offers. Imagine making $1-3/ month, every month, on every customer that switches, by helping people and businesses save money on their electric bill (and soon gas) and GO GREEN, with no obligation!!!
By the way, Thats just 1 of 8 ways to get paid.

Check Out our great referral program based on a lucrative residual income.
Contact me for more details
Go to to sign up with Viridian and start saving.
On top of our great Referral Program, We also have great Employee/Customer Programs, and Fundraising Programs 

Please contact me for more information
Daniel Lahey
Independent Associate
 Proud Member of the New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce

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