Whether you are in a sales role or own your own biz or WANT to, YOU have the ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT. Hear the journeys of 3 women who will inspire you to take action! http://bit.ly/1b24Hzh #beinspired #MCCC

As a member of the Morris County Chamber “Women in Business” Committee, I have been volunteering my time toward a special event that shares the stories of three successful entrepreneurs who have cultivated their businesses and attained goals that sometimes seemed just out of reach.  With every overcome obstacle they continued to learn and grow.  By learning how these women have paved such a path before and we can learn from their mistakes and be inspired by their success. 

Please join me for lunch on November 22nd in Morristown as we hear from these extraordinary entrepreneurs. They have agreed to share with us their stories of the passion and resilience that aided them as they overcame the prospect of failure to achieve their professional goals.


The event will focus on 12 implementable action items that you as a professional can apply to your entrepreneurial career.


Please go to  http://bit.ly/1b24Hzh for more information or to register for the event. 


If you have any questions, please reach out to me.  If you plan to attend the event, please let me know so that I can introduce you to some of the other wonderful professionals I know.

- Kristin

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