For each location X marks the spot of where to find the bus.
Morristown Parking:
In Lot A – the spots with Pay Meters will be Five Dollars for the whole day, please bring $1/$5 bills. There is also long term meters in Lot A for up to 12 hours – these meters only take quarters, so please bring lots. In Lot B, behind the Dunkin Donuts, there are long term meters for up to 18 hours. Again, please bring lots of quarters and $1/$5 bills. Though there is 2 hour parking around, I would not risk it!

Iselin Pickup:
Parking Deck A, at the Metro Park Station, costs $5.00 for up to 16 hours, $7.00 for up to 20 hours, and $9.00 up to 24 hours.