Let’s get straight to the point – What’s the cost?
Just $25 to be a Player or $10 to be a Sideliner. Go here for more information and to sign-up, http://www.njyp.org/events/the-better-body-challenge-initial-weigh-in
What is a “Player”?
A “player” wants access to the support and to compete for prizes.
For $25, you get:
What exactly is a “Sideliner”?
Becoming a “Sideliner” is perfect for anyone who is looking for weight-loss support without the competition, but they cannot win prizes.
For only $10 - that’s less than two value meals at McDonald’s, and a lot better for you too - you get:
Who will I be competing against? Who can participate?
This challenge is open to ANYONE 21 to 39 years old, but only NJYP Members will have access to the resources on NJYP.org so you may want to join NJYP before participating. You will only be competing against people of the same gender who are registered as Players in the same county you are registered.
Which county should I sign up for?
You may sign up for any ONE county you want. Keep in mind that prizes given in the county will be centered in that county. So, if you sign up in Middlesex County and your prize package contains a “Day at the Spa”, the spa will be in Middlesex. That being said, if you live in Mercer but your friends and job are in Middlesex County you may want to sign up to compete in Middlesex. It is up to you! You may not switch counties after the initial weigh-in.
Why should I join this contest?
Not only is the contest good for staying healthy, you’ll also be able to find everything from support to gym buddies in the special county based groups we’re going to create, http://www.njyp.org/groups. This contest is all about building you up, helping you out, and motivating you in the New Year.
But, if that’s not enough for you, we have a few other incentives. You’ll have the chance to win big prizes and door prizes, you can take part in possible special events for the participants (think gym visits, walk and talk events, group nutritional consultations), and there’ll even be an End of the Better Body Challenge Bash which will be free to all participants.
So…what are the prizes?
We will be putting the prize packages together during the competition. Know that prize package values will be based on this formula: "$25 x # of same gender participants within the county" so if 50 men sign up in Essex County the prize package will be valued at $1,250. At that rate, a Sample Package could look like this:
$50 gift card to a Local Restaurant
$100 in Yoga Classes
$50 in Confidence Boosting Kick-boxing Classes
$100 in Personal Training
$100 in Movie Theatre Gift Cards
$250 in Day at the Spa for you and a guest
$75 in Fancy Sneakers
$150 in Premium Professional Sporting Event Tickets
$125 in Theater Tickets to popular shows
$100 in Posh Hair Salon Services
$100 in Beer Making Lessons
$50 in Belaying Lessons
What if I just want the motivation without the competition?
If you’d like to participate in the Better Body Challenge but do not want to go for the prizes then you are more than welcome to join as a ‘Sideliner”. This option is perfect for anyone who is looking for weight-loss support. The cost to become a Sideliner is $10.
How will the winners be determined?
Winners will be based on % of weight loss for your gender, within your county.
When are the weigh-ins?
There will be three in total:
But…What if I can’t attend a weigh-in?
The first and last weigh-ins are required for Players and optional for Sideliners. If you cannot attend both, then consider participating as a “sideliner”. However, you can go to ANY weigh-in location on weigh-in days! It does not need to be in your county.
Where and at what time will the weigh-ins occur?
Locations and Times are currently TBD, but weigh-ins will occur in the each of the participating counties.
What should I wear to a Weigh-in?
You must wear the SAME clothing to all three weigh-ins! You'll be able to take your shoes off so they can vary but wear the same socks. Workout clothes, in general will be best. We'll snap a picture of everyone for our records, and your pockets will be emptied too.
What are the participating counties?
This contest is open to the following counties: Morris, Middlesex, Essex, Somerset, Mercer, Hudson, Bergen, Passaic, Union, and Monmouth.
But – there is a minimum number of sign-ups. If a county does not acquire 10 men and/or women, the county will be dropped for one /both genders. Luckily, there are no maximums.
So, what happens if my county gets dropped?
If you registered and your county doesn’t reach the minimum sign-up, you will get a refund or you can switch to a county that did reach the minimum, whichever you’d like.
What if I just don’t want to participate anymore - can I get a refund?
If you decide this just is not your cup of tea (even though we’ll miss you) you can request a refund by mailing info@NJYP.org PRIOR to 1.22.12 (exact deadline is midnight on 1.21.12. No questions asked, no refund fees.
The Most Important Question on this whole FAQ - Where will the end of the contest party be?
Consider this the ultimate prize – the party will be held in whichever county loses the highest % of weight overall.
Good Luck Everyone!!
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