Brian and Mike's Comments

Comment Wall (140 comments)

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At 9:52pm on June 14, 2015, Melissa Ann Keogh said…
Laura, I tried to post ie, introducing myself to the community, it Wouldn't go through. What's the best way to begin connecting w others on njpn? Thanks
At 11:48am on May 14, 2015, Catherine Valero said…

Hi Laura,

Unfortunately, I am not available this Saturday to help out with the event. 

Wish you luck and let me know if there are any other events you need assistance with. 


At 8:22pm on April 27, 2015, Joanna Vogel said…
Sure sounds good.
At 4:51pm on April 27, 2015, Joanna Vogel said…
I will totally be there! Nice to be free of grad school finally. :)
At 4:35pm on April 27, 2015, Seema said…

yup, i'll be there tomorrow for GNO if not canceled. 

At 8:36pm on April 14, 2015, Nicole said…
Hi Laura, I have a 4:30 meeting on Thursday I'm not sure I'll be able to make the happy hour on time to host it.. I'm sorry... I would have loved to host it otherwise...
At 9:38pm on April 13, 2015, Nicole said…
Yes I've hosted a happy hour before
At 8:22am on January 17, 2015, Maren said…
I would like to buy a ticket for speed dating in red bank. I'm a member of the meetup I able to pay $15 as that's what they are offering to the men? I couldn't find a link to email you or comment on the event page. This website seems harder to navigate now. Thanks!!
At 5:08pm on January 14, 2015, Ilana said…
Hi Laura, I tried emailing you the other day because i was not able to attend the friending event in Bloomfield because I was in the Er with a virus. Would it be possible to get refund or credit on the $10? Thank you! You can email me at
At 10:39am on March 18, 2014, Tina said…
I would love to come to the Mahwah event esp. B/c I just moved there 2 months ago but I work until 9. I'm assuming everyone will be gone by then?
At 12:34pm on March 1, 2014, Katanni said…

Thank you for the birthday wishes! =)

At 6:12pm on February 13, 2014, Jeannette said…
Hello. Is stupid Cupid event still on for Friday?
At 8:13am on January 27, 2014, Kimberly said…
Hi Laura,

I'm not sure if you saw my previous comment, but my friend and I are both new to NJYP and would like to attend the event on February 6th; however, we both are not able to come until 7:00/7:30. Will this be okay?

Thank you,

At 8:40pm on November 3, 2013, John said…
Thanks for the invitation, I will consider doing the hike. Sounds like fun
At 4:15pm on October 15, 2013, Enjoli said…

Trying to get a group together for Karaoke - another member and I are willing to kick it off with an icebreaking performances.  

10/22/13 7 ish in Metuchen at Hailey Pub.  If you're free...not too far from Union (I work in Union) :) thx! 

At 1:11pm on September 25, 2013, Dave said…
I saw your speed dating event in Essex County at Senoritas in two weeks. Can you do more speed dating for guys in there mid 20's here in Essex or Morris county.
At 8:53am on September 2, 2013, Matthew said…

I got your e-mail on NJ Young Gay Professionals group

I run a big Gay GLBT group here in hunterdon and a lot of the young adult 18 and up are look for work see

I told them about  NJ Young Gay Professionals

I run a Asperger group here in hunterdon county and we have over 50 member and that are all look for work I told them about  NJ Young Professionals


As you probably know our NJ Young Gay Professionals group is growing fast,


 It is now time to have an official logo!  Please take a minute to vote on which logo designs you like best!

At 8:50am on September 2, 2013, Matthew said…

Are there going to be be any events here in Hunterdon County NJ Soon please

let me know Thank.

At 10:49am on June 24, 2013, Matthew said…

My name is Matthew Loscialo


I am a college student at FDU college.


I am so happy that I am new now a member of NJYP I sign up

June 23, 2013 


I am write to let you now a little about me.


Is there monthly meeting in Hunterdon County?


I will be attending this event Sundress and Tie Party today.


A little about me.


Matthew F. Loscialo will receive his Associate in Arts Degree at Fairleigh Dickinson University and will return for his Bachelor of Arts.


Loscialo is a member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK), the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS), vice president of Community Service in NSCS at FDU college, and a member of The National Society of Leadership.


The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) welcomes its newest member Matthew Loscialo of Flemington.


I am also a landscape photos and also take photos for events



I am then NSCS VP of Community Service at FDU on the Teaneck Campus. I am now going for my BA and will be a brother in ZBT this


Fall on the Teaneck campus.  I also run two support here in Hunterdon County NJ.
My home phone is 908 300 1236
My cell is 908 300 1058
At 5:46pm on March 6, 2013, Anthonia said…

Thanks for adding me Laura.


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