Charity Walk for Diabetes

Event Details

Charity Walk for Diabetes

Time: October 4, 2009 from 9am to 1pm
Location: Becton Dickenson (BD)
Street: 1 Becton Dr.
City/Town: Franklin Lakes, NJ
Event Type: bergen county, athletic, community
Organized By: Brian and Mike
Latest Activity: Oct 2, 2009

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Event Description

The Step Out-Walk to Fight Diabetes is an annual walk event that takes place in Bergen County. The walk is at the BD Campus and is approximately 1 mile. This is a fundraising event and those walkers raising $100 or more (as easy as asking 10 friends for $10!) will receive complementary lunch, beverages and a t-shirt. There will be entertainment, music, a kids' area, VIP tent, massages, food and more! And of course, you’ll get to spend the morning with a group of Young Professionals from NJYP!

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There is no cost to register but as a charity event we do ask that you try to raise a minimum of $100. However, any donations are extremely appreciated!

This event is full of people who have been affected by this disease, their friends and families, and those who realize the impact diabetes has on so many Americans. To read more about the cause visit

How to Find Us:
We will meet between the BD Tent and the First Aid Tent. There will be an NJYP SIGN between these two tents. We will meet from 9:30 to 9:45 so please arrive on time if you want to walk with us as a group.

Lots of free parking on BD campus

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Comment by Sara Kampen on September 30, 2009 at 11:21am
Hey everyone! If you are planning on coming to the walk this Sunday please make sure to register online so that you don't have to wait in line filling out forms on Sunday morning! You can click the link above to register. Thanks and see you all there! :)

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