Co-Ed 4 Minute Friending in Hackensack

Event Details

Co-Ed 4 Minute Friending in Hackensack

Time: June 3, 2009 from 7pm to 9pm
Location: Poitin Still
Street: 774 Main Street
City/Town: Hackensack, NJ
Website or Map:…
Event Type: bergen county, social
Organized By: Brian and Mike
Latest Activity: Jun 3, 2009

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Event Description

NJYP is proud to present 4 Minute Friending. Yes, we did just say Friending. Think of Speed Dating only without the date. You will meet with someone for a few minutes then, at the ring of a bell, move on to the next person. By the end of the night the whole thing will turn into a mingle, only for once you will actually know most of the crowd.

Additionally, before starting the Friending, you will be given an information sheet that will list each participant's Name, Email, Job Title, and Interests! Yup, you can easily contact your new friends to get together on a Friday night, to exercise with, to shop with, to network with, etc.

RSVP (to the right) and we will let you know when tix are almost gone, when prices are going up, if there are any changes, etc.

Who should attend:
This event is open to MEN and WOMEN who are 21-39, single or married.
Come out to make new friends or come to network.
There is no dress code and you may bring business cards.

2 Item Minimum:
Everyone must purchase 2 items (food or drink). Ask the bartender if there are any drink specials going on.

Member Cost:
$5 for the first 10 to register
$10 for the next 11 to 30 to register
$15 for the next 31 to 50 to register
$20 for walk-ins
Walk-Ins will not be on the shared information sheet.

Non-Member cost:
$20 online and at the door.

Premium Member Cost:
FREE but you must register on Eventbrite.
Walk-Ins will not be on the shared information sheet.

There are a limited number of Tickets for sale.
Tickets are not mailed, but your name will be kept at the door. All sales are final.

NJYP Host:
Laura will be hosting this event.

You can find directions on their Website.
They might have FREE valet parking, ask once you arrive.

Finding the Group:
Ask for NJYP or meet at the back of the bar.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Jeramie on June 3, 2009 at 11:58pm
Had a GREAT time. Thanks Laura!

Attending (14)

Might attend (4)

Not Attending (9)


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