Halloween Costume Party

Event Details

Halloween Costume Party

Time: October 28, 2011 from 7:30pm to 10:30pm
Location: The Side Bar (at The Famished Frog)
Street: 14 Washington Street
City/Town: Morristown, NJ
Event Type: morris county, social
Organized By: Brian and Mike
Latest Activity: Oct 19, 2012

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Event Description

Muwhahaha... join us for our 7th Annual Halloween Costume Party at The Side Bar in downtown Morristown. As is the tradition we will feature a member run costume contest as well as scary drink specials, “Vampire Blood” anyone? Trick or Treat you ask? We will have both! Expect candy galore, toys, and creepy decorations. See you there, in costume!

Pictures from Halloween 2010, http://www.njyp.org/photo/albums/halloween-2010

The Costume Contest is Member Run!
Everyone will receive 5 votes (aka Halloween Stickers). Your mission for the evening will be to cast your votes by placing the Stickers on those who have the Best Costumes. Who you "stick" is up to you. Heck, you can even vote for yourself, 5 times over!

Prizes will be handed out at 9:00pm.
Best Costume by an Individual
Best Costume by a Group (2 or more)

Fred Astaire Dance Studio   Two (2) Certificates for: a 30-minute private lesson, a 40-minute group class, & a social dance party each
FaceLogic Spa    One (1) Gift Certificate for 50 min Signature Facial, One (1) Gift Certificate for waxing (lip, chin or brow) service, One (1) Gift Certificate for Make-up application
The Original Music School   One (1) Month of Group Songwriting Classes

Drink Specials:
We are putting together some great ones.
Arrive on time to get them.

Register for Halloween Costume Party - Morristown in Morristown, NJ on Eventbrite

Member Cost:
$10 for the first 75 to register
$15 for the next 76 to 150 to register
$20 at the door

Non-Member Cost:
$20 online and at the door.

There are a limited number of Tickets for sale. Tickets are not mailed, but your name will be kept at the door. All sales are final.

What to wear:
Come in Costume! Traditionally everyone dresses up.

Various street parking.
Giant parking garage is right behind the Famished Frog/Side Bar.

Finding the Group:
The Side Bar is a private bar/lounge that is in the same building as the Famished Frog.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Brian and Mike on October 28, 2011 at 11:47am

$3 Domestic Pints

$5 Blood Martini (Three Olives Pomegranate Vodka & Grenadine)

$5 Witches Brew (Three Olives Orange Vodka, Peach Schnapps, OJ, with a dribble of Grenadine served on the rocks)


Happy Hour Food Specials until 8:30PM

(Ask the bartender for the menu)

Comment by Carmela on October 27, 2011 at 6:21pm

Hi Laura,

I am getting into the business of photography and would be more than happy to help out and take some pictures at the halloween party tomorrow in Morristown...let me know if u still need a photographer


Comment by Stacey on October 12, 2011 at 6:54pm
Looks like I am going!  :)
Comment by Stacey on October 5, 2011 at 10:45pm
Wish I could attend but I get out of work at 6 pm and will not be able to make it.  Sounds like fun! 
Comment by Nicole Fulmino on September 26, 2011 at 3:45pm
I'm so excited!  I was worried all the parties would be on Saturday when our gala is and I'd miss Halloween this year!  Yaaaay Friday party!
Comment by Brian and Mike on September 26, 2011 at 3:12pm
Thanks for the idea Maxx - I've been doing this for years on Halloween weekend for years and always end up with a really big crowd.
Comment by Ara on September 26, 2011 at 3:08pm
Might end up getting more people if this event is held the Friday prior to this, as a lot of people may head to the city for all the Halloween parties taking place on this same day...
Comment by Lizzie on September 26, 2011 at 1:34pm
What an awesome way to kick off my birthday!!!

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