Myself I live in Ironbound in Newark.  Looking to meet some guys that are into video games and playing online or Party Games in Person.

I suppose my trouble is I spend a lot of time indoors, except for the Gym and going out with my GF.  The thing I suspect is many gamers are also hiding out indoors most of the time as well.

Specifically I'm looking for people into Computer Games i.e. Battlefield Bad Company 2, Starcraft 2, but looking to jump into other things is possible.  I also have a PS3 and enjoy racing games, I've got an Xbox 360 as well but that rarely gets played.  I've got Rock Band for it and people have been over to play from time to time but nothing regular...

So if you're a movie, gamer, which I'm hoping many of you are please post here.  Oh and please be a mature adult.



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Jesse, I'm on Xbox Live (my gamertag is Fightwicky), and I usually play Halo or Rock Band.


- Kevin

Hmm that the thing that sucks about there being 3 consoles plus computer games... My Xbox situation is that it's busted...  I got PS3 for online and PC... But hell if I could get group of regulars I'll go buy/fix my system today lol ... sigh :(  Do you have a bunch of gamer friends?
I play battlefield 2 on ps3 (Jersey Greenery) and i play starcraft 2 (profdeadmau)
Cool, I'll add you in Starcraft, I'm Felinx in it.  I recommend Battlefield Bad Company 2 on PC if your computer can handle it, the max players goes up to 32, and if your computer is a beast the graphics look amazing.

Hey hey!

Well..I'm most definitely not a guy...but I have been dying to get back into SC2 (bunniewabbit). I was really into SC1 back in college and so far I've only played about a quarter of the campaign in SC2 and maybe a few short battles w/ my brother (who only played the trial version) so I'm a bit rusty. lol.


If you don't mind that I'm a girl...and I probably suck @ playing....I'd love to play sometime! :)

Hmm well I'm noticing a problem trying to add you guys in StarCraft2 if you add a character name you need a character code.  I don't know if mine will change each time I log in currently it's showing "Felinx" code "808".

Anyway I think my battlenet email is as well... message me or post :)

Mine is ProfGreenMau code 809 or email


Jesse, i think i added you correctly. 

Yes you're added now :)
There's a "Game Night" at a bar here in Newark on Tuesdays where they play party games and usually have a Wii or something setup.  Don't know if anyone would be interested in going, seems like more people show up after 9pm...
What's the name of the bar in Newark? Does anyone know if there are game nights closer to Union County?
The Bar is called Hell's Kitchen.  I wouldn't know about Union.  I'm thinking I'm going to try for a Happy Hour event there if Laura is willing.
LOL I think I've been looking at your screenname online for a while just didn't remember where I added you from.  We should do some 2v2 or something?  I got a mic n' such.

Nishan Mahbubani said:

Mine is ProfGreenMau code 809 or email


Jesse, i think i added you correctly. 

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