Hey guys, I've been spending the last couple of days immersed in revamping my blog, and I was wondering if anyone else here has tackled the web in a similar manner. Why limit our social networking to happy hours, right? I'd love to trade some URLs and see what we can do to help one another, whether it's through mutual links, content suggestions and comments, or just technical or formatting tips.
My blog's focused on marketing (a guy's got to do something to stay involved when he's unemployed) and can be found at
http://www.freedmarketer.com. If you're on Twitter, you can follow me at
http://twitter.com/khaughwout. I try to tie the two together and use Twitter to advertise content on my blog.
Hey, if the only thing that this thread accomplishes is to get a few more hits on each others' sites, it's a success. :)
- Kevin