Hi Everyone! I would love to share my passion for dance and argentine tango with you.  I am a new beginner to Argentine Tango through Tango Pantera (www.tangopantera.net) and they host many wonderful events throughout the month surrounding the Jersey Shore. I will post upcoming events on the forum but feel free to check the site for our calander.


I would like to invite you all to this coming Sunday's event as there is a free introductory lesson and social milonga following. The class begins at 2-3pm and the milonga follows from 3-6pm. No partners or dance experience needed. Tango is a great way to meet people, its social, its low key, and a lot of fun!


 The place is beautiful and we had a phenominal turnout last month.  Contact me on here or through my personal email for more info or any questions. I will be there to greet you all! Hope you can make it!

This event will be held at the  

Dauphin Grille at Berkeley Hotel

1401 Ocean Avenue
Asbury Park, NJ 07712-5612
(732) 774-3474



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Hey Tracy!

Thanks so much for the info! I have a little swing experience but not much so i would love to come! Our event is on the third sunday of each month in Asbury and another sunday at Tommy's in Oakhurst. But the other sundays I would be availabel for your events. Have you had some NJYP members come? I am really trying to get younger people out to dance! I want to meet and dance with people my age! Anyway, thanks for your post, congrats on the group and the site- it looks great! Hope to see you soon!!


thanks! is there a sign up form or can we just show up?
You can show up and i will be there to greet you. Looking forward to meeting you!!

Pretty cool. Any special shoes needed for either one of these dancing events?



i would suggest a pair with a leather sole or suede sole. Anything but rubber. Dont worry too much about your first time, I've had people do it in socks! I can show you when you come. Looking forward to meeting you!
i'm def going to try to make this! thanks for sharing.

Great! I look forward to meeting you!!

Stephanie & Tracy,


I am interested in both of your dancing events. I can't come Sunday nights because it's a bit of a drive for me (I live in Middlesex Co) but if you guys are having events on like Saturday or so, please email me (or post it). I mainly do Salsa and Swing. I do Salsa on 1 and I hear up here they do it on 2, so one day I'll prob go into NYC to take a class (Fridays 7:30) if either of you is interested as well.


Keep on dancing!


Hi! We have many events actually. Here's what we have for March.

I highly reccomend if you are a beginner to come to our free beginner lesson. We have one next Wed, one before our event in Asbury, and we are slated to have a third one on March 27th at Tommy's in Oakhurst.  I will keep you posted. I also posted the Milonga flyer for next Saturday March 12th. This is a really nice more formal milonga. If you check out the website you can see pictures from our past events. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me! Have a great day. Hope to see you at an event soon!


PS-let me know of any other events you go to, thanks for sharing about the nyc class. If you have more information or a website let me know, i'd like to check it out.

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