Last we we ran a Tall Men Speed Dating event that SOLD OUT and I want to try it again.

Men (5'10" and taller) and Women should take this SURVEY.

Why Tall Men Speed Dating????
I have received more requests to do Tall Men Speed Dating than any other “niche” area.

Why do I think Tall Men Speed Dating is OK????
Have you ever looked twice at a couple where the woman was a lot taller than the man?
Have you decided someone was not attractive just because of their height?
Have you ever done a search on where you included height minimum and maximum requirements?
If you have done any of these things I’m sure you can understand how there is lots of societal pressure for MEN to be taller than WOMEN in a relationship. How can you blame the women for wanting to fit in in that way?

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But I do need to plug Geno here! I had the honor of sitting down and speaking to him at the New Brunswick Happy Hour.

Women- He's a SMART, CUTE, and SOCIAL guy! In my professional opinion anyone an go on a date with him and have a fantastic time. So, yes, ask him out, friend him on the site, and look for him at New Brunswick area events!

Eugene Geis said:
In the last year I've dated 4 girls who were at least 3 inches taller than me... and I was amazed that they were much more into the relationship than I was considering the strange reverse roles. I PREFER shorter girls, but they're hard to come by (when you're 5'5" and all ladies wear heeled shoes) and even many of them prefer guys above 5'10" regardless of their small stature. I don't take it personally, but I do enjoy pointing out the superficiality of it. As far as my own standards on weight, etc. I only maintain the same standards I keep for myself which, I hope, is respectable.

I think the argument here is that some people are having a very tough time finding love, in general. And they really desire it and feel that they deserve it. And any event which precludes their presence can feel like rubbing salt into a wound. I do remember having these issues in my past, but now I just empathize. As said in an earlier post, preferences are preferences... and wouldn't it be fantastic to have that entire checklist accounted for with every single potential candidate at any one of these events? But then you're only playing yourself, because this is IMPOSSIBLE unless you're a client of Hollywood Matchmakers.

Taking all of the wonderful advice of people discussing this fantastic topic: I will upload a dating application. Ladies (only 5'4" and under), please don't hesitate to secure your position... We'll call it: Speed Dating for Geno! Kind of like "Rock of Love" meets "Scott Baio is 45 and Single." (Actually I'm 31). Repost with your stats and I'll be sure to 'friend' you!

Sensitive people, this was a joke
I agree with the comments by Kelly and Rachel. While I happen to believe that attraction isn't a choice, I agree that we should embrace our preferences without feeling guilty. I'm 6'3, and I promise not to be offended if Laura opts to host an event for women who prefer shorter men. Truth be told, I have many shorter male friends in this group who would be a great catch for any woman.

With regard to the other "measurements" mentioned in Kelly's note, I'll gladly submit, provided that I can find my tape measure. ;)

Rachel C. said:
what a controversial issue! haha. i will simply give my own opinion and a few anecdotes, and hope not to offend anyone.

first off, the tall men speed dating is a great idea! i am relatively tall myself (5'6 1/2") and, like kelly c, prefer to date men taller men, or men that are at least my height. i would rather not be taller than my boyfriend when i wear heels, but love is love, you know?

on the contrary, i had a female friend in college who was 5'10" and who had no problem with her bf's height of 5'5". not my thing, but cheers to her!

as far as the chest-size argument goes, i completely agree with kelly c, and i will quote her, "Laura, I suggest if you run an event based on bra size that you also require men to provide certain measurements of their own." amen, sister!

what does everyone think if laura was to hold an event for "shorter" men a few weeks later, to balance it out? that way, everyone's preferences are covered.
Oh Jim, you "went there".
im tall and looking for a tall man to date and have fun with,
Hey, you know me. I say very little and play to the middle. There really is no harm in being upfront with what you want, it's just how you do it that makes the difference.

hmmm, maybe I should go into public relations... or politics. Heh

James said:
JP with the tactful, politically-inoffensive response.. I agree with Tony, it's nice to be 6'1.

How about an event featuring women with big chests and men with big..... wallets?
What an interesting discussion. I never realized how important it is to some women the "height" factor. And that is absolutely fair, because preferences are subjective, and everyone is entitled to their own likes/dislikes.

However, the event sounds almost as if the potential of meeting that "one" guy (for one date, a fling, a story or perhaps even true love) were to rest solely on the guy being tall/er than the girl. Generally speaking, most people consider more than simply one physical aspect about the other person when figuring out if he/she is interesting enough to potentially get to know better - and go out with.
If the event is intended to increase the chances for women (since it requires only men to meet a specific height standard) to find someone interesting - then maybe there are many other variables that could be considered too, and may be worthy of their own customized event. A person's education, their income, other physical features, fitness, personality traits, ethnic background, race, geographical location, and the list - as you can guess - can be pretty long.

To me (subjective opinion) the event just sounds funny and a bit odd, because it almost seems to convey a message of "let's help along the process of natural selection - here are guys who are 5'10" + , just the way you ordered/like them" :)
Personally, i think the event is not inappropriate - and if you offer it, people will go. But the principle behind it, thats what i find curious. And to me, in this case, it is a bit parrochial.

Of course, if i was at least 5' 10" ( i am 5' 8") you bet i would be the first in line to sign up for it, hehe. Ahh - irony, it's a beautiful thing.
One last thing - kudos Laura, for always trying to give the (small) NJYP masses what they want.

Oh.. in case you are wondering, i dont really miss my days of grad school papers (cant believe i wrote this much!) :)
oops typo ... I meant I also know girls who are attracted to MEN not "ME" in spite of their height. haha

Laura Labriola said:
Relax people. Truly if you have nothing better to do than pick a bone about an event you are either very insecure and/or need to get out more. If you don't agree with it, don't go to the event. End of story. It has no effect on your life whatsoever so why bother getting all bent out of shape about it? You are living in a fantasy world if you don't believe that physical appearance has ANY bearing on attraction. I know girls who are attracted to men solely because of their height. I also know girls who are attracted to me in spite of their height. Everyone is different. Welcome to reality.

Laura, good job on finding out what the people want and bringing it to them!
I am a tall woman, 5'9 barefoot and I live in heels, so most of the time I am around 6ft tall... It is not that I am not interested in shorter men but it simply comes down to a preference not a prejudice. I find men who are taller than me more appealing in finding a partner. I know of at least 4 women who are all taller than 5’9 and share a similar opinion who would be extremely interested in attending a tall men speed dating event.
not gonna lie, i went shoe shopping last night, and because of this conversation, thought twice about the height of the shoes i was going to purchase. hahaha.
Rachel! I hope you thought twice but then bought what you wanted anyway!
i did, laura, don't worry! i simply kept it in mind. hehe.

Laura Labriola said:
Rachel! I hope you thought twice but then bought what you wanted anyway!
This whole argument is moot. One day Kurt Vonnegut's predictions will come true and medical science will make us all 5'11 and 1/2 inches. I can finally play professional basketball.

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