Anyone looking for an easy, convenient, fun and free way to do good in the world? Volunteer with Jersey Cares! I've done lots of projects with them and just became a project coordinator, and would love to make the projects I host more social, a la what NJYP does -- have an activity and go for drinks or food after. It takes just a few minutes to register on, then sign up for any of the hundreds of events when and where its good for you! I'd love to get some NJYP people at the projects I'll be running, so here's the shameless pitch for my own events:
-- Nov. 7th in Newark from 10-1 pm (and we can go for lunch!). We'll be at GoodWill, helping the store organize some of their donations. The project is called Caring Closet in Newark. There's only one spot left right now but if you're interested, email me and we can usually fit people in.
-- Nov. 14th in Caldwell from 11-1 pm (and lunch after if we want). Jersey Cares does a big winter coat drive every year, and needs volunteers to help sort and organize all the donations so we can send them to the places that need them. It's easy manual labor -- honest.
-- Dec. 12th in Caldwell from 11-1 (then lunch). Same deal as on Nov. 14th.
--Dec. 19th in Newark -- they have one big final coat-sorting event so we can get all the coats to needy people for this winter. I'm signed up for it already and they need lots of people for this. I'm not an official coordinator on this one, but email me if you sign up and I'll figure out some way to organize us so we can find each other to do something afterwards or maybe there's a way we can all work in one area together. BUt I won't know who signs up unless you email me ahead of time.
I'll also be the coordinator for other projects in central New Jersey, so keep an eye out or email me if you can't sign up for any of these but are interested in future ones and I'll keep you posted.
Hope to meet a lot of NJYPers soon!
Cheers, Debi