Anyone up for a movie or two?


Preferred theaters of choice:


AMC Wayne

AMC Clifton Commons

AMC Essex Green (this place was just re-done & is a really cool. Food, drinks, service)


Let me know, I keep missing the cool movies.  


If not up for going to the theater, we can just rent something.

I have a big tv & blue-ray player & a pretty wide couch. 

Not that my place is anything special but all are welcome.  (in Montclair)



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does anyone want to watch Reel Steel on Saturday?
I would, but I will be away in Harrisburg area at a concert on Saturday. Another time.
Is any one interested in going to movies in Central NJ. I would love to join ...
We saw a movie in New Brunswick last Friday.
Last Friday's movie night was a lot of fun! I don't think I can make it this week, but I'll keep checking in for another time!

 Hi Peter,

Thank you for the reply. Let me know about the future events in Central NJ !


In case anyone is interested, a few of us are going to Jersey Gardens today to see "Real Steel" at 2pm.  Get there by 1:30pm.  Have a great weekend everyone!
Would love to go but can't.  Last week was fun.  Another time :)
I was talked into watching The Thing this weekend, (I had not seen the original) it was so gorey! I ppractically had my knees to my chest and my scarf covering my face during most of the movie. Hahaha, my friends kept busting my chops but thankfully I didn't have any nightmares. My friends thought the movie was ok.
When and what's our next movie? Anyone want to see Ides of March or anything else on Saturday? I'm pretty much open to going anywhere. Let me know.

Anyone organizing movie night & drinks for this Friday?

I have not but am way overdue.  If I can figure it out I will.

To all:

Additionally, I apologize for not being very responsive sometimes.  I have too many things I'm dealing with these days. Thanks in advance & from previously for your patience & understanding.

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