Hey Everyone, I am looking to expand my circle of friends!  I live and work in Monmouth County.  If there is anyone in the area that wants to get together sometime, let me know.

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I'm in Monmouth County!

I tried to send you a message.


Hey! Im in monmouth as well and would like to meet new friends! 

Hey! I live and work in Monmouth County and am also looking to meet new people. I would definitely be interested in meeting up and going out!

Am down in Monmouth County a lot as my family lives down there.

Hey - I'd definitely be interested.  Let me know.

I live and work in Monmouth County too! Let me know if you want to grab some happy hour drinks after work!


In Sept I'll be working in Monmouth County and don't know know the area at all.  I'd be willing to possibly meet for happy hour to find some new places and meet some new people. 

I live in Middlesex County, work in NYC, but I love Monmouth County. If anyone does something on a Friday or Saturday night let me know since it's easier for me to go out on weekends due to my work schedule. Is anyone going to the Red Bank Sundress and Tie Event?

I'm in Ocean County, so coming up to Monmouth for something fun is not a problem at all.

I'm in Hudson County but I drive all over the state, usually in Ocean County too, so I'd be interested.

I'm also in Monmouth County.  I would like to know about any get-togethers.  Doesn't seem to be alot of them down here :/

Monica :)

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