Anyone interested in starting a book club with me?

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Thanks for the suggestions Steve. If anyone has any others please let me know.

Hi Marina, I was just thinking earlier today that I'd like to join a book club, and then I saw your post!  Where do you live?  Maybe we could organize a monthly meet-up.


Dar, what kind of nonfiction do you like?  I'm a big nonfiction reader.

Hey guys! I'm always looking for interesting new reads. Fiction or non-fiction. Would love to be a part of a book club or at the very least get some good suggestions. I'm also into philosophy as well (have read a lot of existential authors - Nietzsche, Sartre, Kafka, etc.) so if anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them. 

I took a Philosophy of Love & Desire course in college.  I'll try to dig up some of the titles and let you know.  Definitley one of the most interesting classes I had!

Hi Julie!

I recently started to stray away from Fiction to Non-Fiction. I can spend hours in the library walking through the aisles which usually ends up with me leaving with 3-4 books. Some of my favorite subjects are: Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Spirituality, Science....I'm pretty open minded when it comes to things.

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand is a great book. The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein had me smiling, laughing and wailing!
Currently reading Lifeboat by Charlotte Rogan.

I'd be interested in a book club meetup too. I'm from Bedminster in Somerset County. I just read A Walk Across the Sun by Corban Addison and I am just finishing up Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Both are really great books. 

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