We're going swing dancing this Friday, 1/29 in Whippany. Would anyone want to join us?  More information, directions, etc., can be found at http://www.njswing.com/.  There will be LIVE music, featuring the Jazz Lobsters (little) Big Band!  The fun starts at 8:30pm.  No partner or dance experience needed, but there is a basics course starting at 8:40pm.


A portion of the proceeds will go to help Haiti.

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That sounds like fun! I'll try to make it.
I'm in....but you knew that already. :p
Rebecca, I think Mara and I are going to skip this one and go in two weeks instead. I'll post the info again when we do. Sorry for bailing.
I made plans for Friday but I would be interested in doing this another time. How often do they have swing dancing?
I think they have it about twice a month, but it alternates between lessons and "dance parties." I've been there a few times. It's a lot of fun and a pretty decent workout, too. If you go for the one hour pre-party dance lessons, they're good for learning the basics if you've never gone.
They have swing dancing every Friday, but the parties are on the 2nd and last Fridays of the month. Next Dance Party is 2/12...no live music at that one, but still fun! If anyone wants to hit up the lesson before, I'm game. As long as I don't throw my neck/shoulder/back/hip out again. x_X
we're going this Friday for real! They're doing their Valentine's Day mixer game. They have a class at 7p, and the party starts at 8:30p.

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