Last call for the Stress Factory!

If you did not get an email from me in the last few minutes, PLEASE MESSAGE ME and let me know you are coming!!  Conversely, if you did get an email from me and your plans have changed, PLEASE LET ME KNOW so I can update the total.  Thanks so much!!!  I look forward to meeting everyone!!!


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I'm in for now.
What time on 4/2? There's an 8:00pm and 10:30pm.
We were saying 10:30 Marsha

Marsha Handeli said:
What time on 4/2? There's an 8:00pm and 10:30pm.
How does this work? Do we just all get tickets on our own? (i've never been to the Stress Factory before).
You'll love it Rebecca! How about this - could everyone who's in send me a message with their email address?
This sounds great!!
Unfortunately I'll have to pass on the 10:30 time slot. I'll keep an eye out if it changes to the earlier time!
Can't do 4/2, will be out of town for that weekend!
Everyone who's in or thinks they will be in - remember to send me your email address!
What a GREAT idea! I am fairly sure I can make it.
No group discounts, unless we get over 50 people.

Bahadir said:
I would be in as well. Either of the shows on 4/2 works for me.

Does anyone know if we could get a group discount?
Hi guys,

Remember to get your tickets if you haven't already! (Rich Vos on 4/2, 10:30 show

Looking forward to meeting everyone!

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