Any new moms interested in getting together?  I have a six and a half week old son, and I'm dying to find things to do outside of the house!!!!  Especially with the weather getting nice and all.  Going to the park solo isn't that much fun.  Most of my friends are working now, so it's been me and my son  --- which is great, but I need to get out!  I live in Caldwell, NJ, so please let me know if anyone else is around in this area.


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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Meredith,
I write for the website BaristaKids--a local parenting blog in Montclair. You might find some great ideas for networking on that site. I wanted to contact you because I sometimes need quotes from moms for articles I write for the site, and I wanted to know if you'd be interested in receiving quotes requests from me when I am working on articles. And of course, any other moms you know in this general area would be great for me to write to. Let me know if you have any friends interested in weighing in on parenting issues for future BaristaKids articles.
Cynthia Darling
Hi Cynthia,

Thank you for letting me know about the blog! Yes please let me know if you need any quotations. I am looking forward to checking out your site.


Cynthia Darling said:
Hi Meredith,
I write for the website BaristaKids--a local parenting blog in Montclair. You might find some great ideas for networking on that site. I wanted to contact you because I sometimes need quotes from moms for articles I write for the site, and I wanted to know if you'd be interested in receiving quotes requests from me when I am working on articles. And of course, any other moms you know in this general area would be great for me to write to. Let me know if you have any friends interested in weighing in on parenting issues for future BaristaKids articles.
Cynthia Darling
FYI I added a new profile question so I an filter out the Moms and Dads who are also Members!

Go to "My Profile" above
Click EDIT where you see your personal info.
Then answer this question
"What type of niche events would you attend? Events for..."

My daughter is 2.5 years old now, but when she was a young baby I found had many "mom groups". It truly helped me stay sane!!! Being a new mom is difficult, and it's definitely necessary to stay in contact with the "outside world", LOL.

Good luck :-)
Hi Everyone!

I hope you are doing well. I was talking to Laura and she suggested I reach out to everyone.

I'm actually having a pre-mother's day event at my office, and I'd love to invite you. It may be a great way for you to meet some other mothers in the area. See below and let me know if you're interested. I can be reached at 201-221-2700 x2709.


On May first (the weekend prior to Mother's Day weekend), in honor of all the mothers I will be hosting a Pre-Mother's Day event (see attached flyer). This will be a day to pamper yourself, or any mother in your life who you feel deserves a day to relax. The day will include:

Relaxing chair massages to relieve tension, provided by Chiro Health Spa.
A make-up makeover by Beauty Consultant Debbie Pasi.
A paraffin hot wax hand treatment, provided by Massage Therapist Kalea Calderon.
Raffles and giveaways.

The event will be a lot of fun, and will give everyone an opportunity to unwind.

Although The RSVP date is Friday, April 23rd, I would recommend you sign up as soon as possible. Space is limited and I am sure it will fill up fast. The event is free, and the only cost of admission is bringing someone along to enjoy the day with.

I look forward to seeing you all there!

Take care,


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