The large cabins that sleep 4 are the lowest cost.  That being said it may be worth it to team up with other NJYP Members if you are planning to attend one of the Club Getaway Weekends.

There are TWO ways to find cabin-mates.

Method 1
You can book your weekend with Club Getaway and ask that THEY find you a cabin.  You can even request they put you in a cabin with others from NJYP (same gender).

Method 2
You can try to find cabin-mates on your own via the NJYP website and THIS forum.

To find a cabin-mate on your own please post:
* Which CG weekend you are attending.
* How many more people you need to fill a cabin.
* Your gender(s) and the preferred genders you want to share with.

Make sure you click off that you want to follow this discussion.  This way you will be notified when others post abotu cabins.

Views: 158

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i requesed a cabin with Kasey- unless she's requested others there's probably room for 2 more in our cabin. Just tell CG that you want to bunk with us.
Hey I havent booked the trip yet - i think im gonna go for the weekend of July 30-August 1st.... Does anyone still need a female cabin mate?

Tracy said:
Hey everyone! I am signed up with one other female. We're looking for 2 other female NJYPers to have a 4 person cabin. Weekend of July 30-Aug 1st. If interested, please respond here or to me. Thanks!
Sounds Good I ll book tomorrow!!! - i am pumped i have never been to club getaway

Tracy said:
Hi Jo,

Ok so if Kristen is with Kasey & Alex ... Myself & Keira need 2 more ... so you can room with us ... i haven't booked yet either, will do so on Monday. :)

Jo Dhesi said:
Hey I havent booked the trip yet - i think im gonna go for the weekend of July 30-August 1st.... Does anyone still need a female cabin mate?

Tracy said:
Hey everyone! I am signed up with one other female. We're looking for 2 other female NJYPers to have a 4 person cabin. Weekend of July 30-Aug 1st. If interested, please respond here or to me. Thanks!
Hey Jo. You can asked to be put in my room. I booked a few weeks ago
I booked!

Tracy said:
Hi Jo,

Neither have i, but it looks like a packed, fun weekend!

Jo Dhesi said:
Sounds Good I ll book tomorrow!!! - i am pumped i have never been to club getaway

Tracy said:
Hi Jo,

Ok so if Kristen is with Kasey & Alex ... Myself & Keira need 2 more ... so you can room with us ... i haven't booked yet either, will do so on Monday. :)

Jo Dhesi said:
Hey I havent booked the trip yet - i think im gonna go for the weekend of July 30-August 1st.... Does anyone still need a female cabin mate?

Tracy said:
Hey everyone! I am signed up with one other female. We're looking for 2 other female NJYPers to have a 4 person cabin. Weekend of July 30-Aug 1st. If interested, please respond here or to me. Thanks!
Yup! Super Excited!!!! I hope they have zip lining lol

Tracy said:
Awesome Jo -- so you are rooming with Keira and I right? :)

Jo Dhesi said:
I booked!

Tracy said:
Hi Jo,

Neither have i, but it looks like a packed, fun weekend!

Jo Dhesi said:
Sounds Good I ll book tomorrow!!! - i am pumped i have never been to club getaway

Tracy said:
Hi Jo,

Ok so if Kristen is with Kasey & Alex ... Myself & Keira need 2 more ... so you can room with us ... i haven't booked yet either, will do so on Monday. :)

Jo Dhesi said:
Hey I havent booked the trip yet - i think im gonna go for the weekend of July 30-August 1st.... Does anyone still need a female cabin mate?

Tracy said:
Hey everyone! I am signed up with one other female. We're looking for 2 other female NJYPers to have a 4 person cabin. Weekend of July 30-Aug 1st. If interested, please respond here or to me. Thanks!
I think I may need a roommate again. Not too worried about it though. But if someone has room for one more, just put me down.

Tracy said:
Awesome Jo -- so you are rooming with Keira and I right? :)

Jo Dhesi said:
I booked!

Tracy said:
Hi Jo,

Neither have i, but it looks like a packed, fun weekend!

Jo Dhesi said:
Sounds Good I ll book tomorrow!!! - i am pumped i have never been to club getaway

Tracy said:
Hi Jo,

Ok so if Kristen is with Kasey & Alex ... Myself & Keira need 2 more ... so you can room with us ... i haven't booked yet either, will do so on Monday. :)

Jo Dhesi said:
Hey I havent booked the trip yet - i think im gonna go for the weekend of July 30-August 1st.... Does anyone still need a female cabin mate?

Tracy said:
Hey everyone! I am signed up with one other female. We're looking for 2 other female NJYPers to have a 4 person cabin. Weekend of July 30-Aug 1st. If interested, please respond here or to me. Thanks!
Hey I did suggest you guys as roommates were u at the sundress party? I didnt get to meet u!

Alix Foster said:
I think I may need a roommate again. Not too worried about it though. But if someone has room for one more, just put me down.

Tracy said:
Awesome Jo -- so you are rooming with Keira and I right? :)

Jo Dhesi said:
I booked!

Tracy said:
Hi Jo,

Neither have i, but it looks like a packed, fun weekend!

Jo Dhesi said:
Sounds Good I ll book tomorrow!!! - i am pumped i have never been to club getaway

Tracy said:
Hi Jo,

Ok so if Kristen is with Kasey & Alex ... Myself & Keira need 2 more ... so you can room with us ... i haven't booked yet either, will do so on Monday. :)

Jo Dhesi said:
Hey I havent booked the trip yet - i think im gonna go for the weekend of July 30-August 1st.... Does anyone still need a female cabin mate?

Tracy said:
Hey everyone! I am signed up with one other female. We're looking for 2 other female NJYPers to have a 4 person cabin. Weekend of July 30-Aug 1st. If interested, please respond here or to me. Thanks!
Hi Tracy,

I'm planning on gong the weekedn of July 30th as well, but do not yet have a cabin to stay in. I'm on my own on this little adventure, so if you still have room, please let me know.


Tracy said:
Hey everyone! I am signed up with one other female. We're looking for 2 other female NJYPers to have a 4 person cabin. Weekend of July 30-Aug 1st. If interested, please respond here or to me. Thanks!
Thanks Tracey. I will wait until Alix responds before calling to be added to the cabin. I am planning on going to the Princeton Happy Hour on the 8th and the Sundress and Tie Party on the 11th. Are you going to be at either of those events? Would be nice to meet before the weekend.


Tracy said:
Hi Debbie,

As of now, yes we still have 1 spot left. When you register, ask to be put in our cabin (Tracy Buckley)... However, Alix Foster also inquired, but i'm not sure she confirmed whether she needs it or not. Alix???

Debbie said:
Hi Tracy,

I'm planning on gong the weekedn of July 30th as well, but do not yet have a cabin to stay in. I'm on my own on this little adventure, so if you still have room, please let me know.


Tracy said:
Hey everyone! I am signed up with one other female. We're looking for 2 other female NJYPers to have a 4 person cabin. Weekend of July 30-Aug 1st. If interested, please respond here or to me. Thanks!
Hey is anyone still looking for a cabin mate? I booked already and left it open.
Booking for this trip as soon as I get time off from work. Anyone need a cabin mate still?

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