I've been working with the United Way or Mercer County to found a Women's Leadership Council.  Its a great way for professional women to get involved with philanthropy and we are hosting our second annual Woman's Golf Clinic in August.   Golf outings can be key events in a business career and this clinic is designed to give you the basic skills and overview needed of the game so you too can feel comfortable going to the next golf oriented networking or professional event for work.  Plus - its always good to learn a new skill that might even turn into a fun hobby. 

If you're interested, please let me know.  The details are below.

United Way of Greater Mercer County
Women’s Leadership Council - GOLF CLINIC
TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 10 & 17 6:00 - 8:00 PM

PEDDIE GOLF COURSE SOUTH MAIN STREET HIGHTSTOWN, NJ 08520 Cost is $75.00 per person To register online, please visit www.liveunitedgreatermercer.org and view calendar or call Carolee Kueller at 609.637.4902.

Clubs will be provided by the course or bring your own. Dress comfortably and wear shoes you can move easily in.

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I cant do Tuesday but let me know if you decide to do something like this again. I'm always up for trying new things.
Well if anyone is interested in golfing, any skill level, let me know. I used to be a HS Varsity coach for golf and still enjoy getting out there and playing 9 to get the blood flowing.

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