What other sub-groups should we add to NJYP, http://www.njyp.org/groups  Post your ideas here and they may be included in a survey.  The survey results will then dictate what gets added and what goes not.

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I'd love to see a 'Dog Owner' group. To coordinate dog park play dates, etc.

Here are some of my ideas:


- Bookworms - people looking to join book clubs

- Movie Lovers - people looking for other people to go to the movies with

- Techies

- Job Seekers - people looking for jobs who are looking for "job search buddies"

- Gym Buddies

How about groups by county or region?

I like Nicole's bookworms and movies ideas.


Also how about an NJT train commuters group?

-Music/Concert Goers

-Sports (general)

ya i think groups by county or even a "north jersey" and "central jersey" group breakdown would be a good idea.


Definitely agree with regional groups


-A group for those who play sports in general - I know myself and other friends play in JCS and we often run short on players so it would be great to have a place to post in case we need additional people for our teams

-A separate sports group for those who watch pro sports - people can organize outings to games or even to the bar on a Sunday to watch a football game

-Single and looking - self explanatory

I'm all for the music/concert group as well.


I like the suggestion for a Techie group


I'd love to see a Craft Beer group, but I don't know if that would be popular enough. :)

- How about something related to Road Trips/Travel? 

- The Great Outdoors - hiking, camping, archaeological digs...

- @Kevin - a beer/pub enthusiasts one maybe? Check out different venues (although, kind of sounds like a typical Friday night anyway, or Monday, or...).  And, (on the DL) I think we should be on the payroll, b/c obviously we'd be doing 'research' for future HH spots.   = Team player : )

I second Kristen's idea for an Art Lovers group. Not easy finding other artsy fartsy people..
i'd love to see a photography group :) i miss david blinder's photography events!

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