Does anybody want to get a New Years Eve party or meetup going?! Please let me know:)

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i like new brunswick...there are supposed to be fireworks....

I love Red Bank and the place looks nice, but I'm about 50 minutes away. It's just a little too much travel for me (especially on New Years, on GSP, yikes). 

I'm about equidistant from New Brunswick and Morristown and can do either. I think most people who've expressed interest so far are more or less around New Brunswick (right?). So, let's have a time and place in mind to default to if we don't come up with a plan that works better. If anyone has other ideas, by all means suggest 'em. 10:00-10:30pm, Harvest Moon? 

So one of my friends informed me that Harvest Moon has no DJ for New Years.  It's 50 just for open bar. 

Can we maybe meet in Harvest Moon, then, if we collectively want to for whatever reason (no dj, expensive, whatever), we can head somewhere else? 

The places that I'm aware are open and doing stuff for New Years are Harvest Moon and Mike's Courtside. I'm completely fine with going anywhere else and any last minute plans as long as we plan ahead and know what's open. So...10:00 to 10:30 pm, Harvest Moon, yay or nay? 

I'm going to say nay I won't make it til prob close to 11.  I don't want to do drink packages I'm missing half of it's not worth it.

As an FYI tho I saw on Hotoke's site

2 Hour (10:30PM to 12:30AM) Open Bar - $60 per person.

or entry fee of $20 Per person plus minimum

charge of $25 on credit card

Melanie- thank you so much for your contributions, seriously. Totally agree that it's not worth it to start so late and pay so much. Please let us know if you hear anything that sounds fun or have any other ideas. Hope you have a good New Years. 

I just called Harvest Moon, and there's going to be a $20-30 cover OR the $50 open bar. I've called Mike's to no answer and sent a facebook message and am waiting to hear back. 

Repost of all ideas so far: 

I didn't hear back on fb from any of them.  Old Bay and World of Beer have bands I've never heard of.  Enjoy what you do as well.

I'll be at Killarney's Publik House in Hamilton. There's no drink packages or anything. Live DJ and champagne at midnight. Real laid back. If you're just looking to have fun and bring in the new year come join me. NB sounds like fun and all but it sounds like it's a bit much for what we're looking for.

Stockley- thanks for the invite! I live a bit more than an hour away otherwise I'd be in. Beer menu looks great, have fun! 

Bump for any last minute plans or anyone still interested in meeting up. Otherwise, we all go our merry ways, and Happy New Year! 

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